Temps de jeu:
519 minutes
I'm going to compare ~25€ game to it's Flash counterpart, because it's supposed to be a remaster, and lets say....ouch, its real fucking bad.
TLDR : This game is an absolute insult to the OG SFH1 and the Flash trilogy as a whole:
- SFH1's mechanics were thrown out of the window for a mix of SFH3's (which are the absolute worst in my opinion) and whatever :
> Back then you just had ONE version of each weapon, you had to level up a class to be able to buy it and then you had a normal weapon, and you were sure if the enemy in front were to whip out the same weapon, it would have the exact same stats as yours, because it's how Strike Force Heroes 1 did it.
> NOW!? You have weapons with levels, qualities (Which are completely different from SFH 2 & 3, because, you normally had Broken, Rusted, Normal, Refined, Perfect and Legendary, now you have Normal, Rare, Epic, Legendary, and some rare 'Prototype' weapons), but back when in SFH2 and 3, you had modifiers that were tied to a quality, (Broken weapons had a chance to jam when firing), Now you can have ANY quality modifiers on any thing (leading to some legendaries having a chance to jam)! What is this Borderlands Ass Type of shit. Some Legendary quality LVL19 weapons can be less efficient than Normal quality LVL16 guns.
- I mostly played Assassin so far...his Bolt-Action snipers are so unprecise it's best to use Medic's Magnums for sniping.
- Let's stay on guns just a second to talk about Secondaries, Pistols (Revolvers are considered primaries), Machine-Pistols and SMGs have been very badly disrespected. In the Flash Trilogy, you could pretty much be confident that the secondary could save your skin from a deadly duel, it was even possible for certain classes to make them as strong as a primary. Now? They do less damage than airsofts against kevlar. You could slap the GlobeX Leader and still remove more HP than a Desert Eagle headshot can.
- "Potato" quality graphics still makes my Computer cough up blood.
- Custom game modes were THE METHOD to grind for cash and XP without having to play the Campaign 2093 times per character, but now, there's a 0.25X XP/$ nerf on any custom games! Back then, only special silly easter egg modifiers could reduce the rewards.
- Let's not even talk about the glitches (Mainly custom games rules defaulting back to Team Death match's whenever it wants, or heroes defaulting back to the Grass Starter skin whenever you start the game)
-+ On the bright side, they tried to add multiple languages, BUT there's so many typos, it's as if the localizers just shoved the whole game inside Google Translate and called it a day.
-+ They also tried to rework the slots to enable players to get a specific thing they want, at a higher price. HOWEVER, asking for an Assassin primary won't always land you a sniper, as you might also get a Medic's Magnum, because Heroes work the same way they did in SFH3, being able to use up to three or four primary types! Also, there's a chance said shared primary gets the lower level hero's level, effectively making it WORSE.
+ There's just one thing I have seen them do right : the bank account is now common to all the heroes, no more grinding on separate sides, you can farm cash with your favourite and waste his hard earned rewards on the ones you don't even wanna use.
In conclusion : Rather than make a Faithful Remaster of the OG SFH1, SKY9 fumbled the bag so hard by trying to recycle SFH3 with SFH1's story, I regret not demanding a refund. Just go get the Shock Wave Flash File of the OG Trilogy somewhere like the Internet library or something, You won't waste your cash, this way.
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😃 : 0