Tempo di gioco:
2206 minuti
Updating the review after I have accumulated 30+ hours and completely beaten the game.
I've gone past the 30h mark and for the most part and unsuprisingly my feelings stay the same about this game.
That said, I completely understand reviews that downvote the game.
The game is amazing and offers a lot of incredible puzzles, world-building and atmosphere but I completely understand that some of them can be pretty bullsh*t to complete, in fact, not most of the time but still a sizeable amount of time, you'll end up completing a puzzle either by chance or by brute forcing it which completely defeats the purpose.
Also, I've seen people complain about the puzzles becoming hard to keep track of and, I personally don't find that as a problem.
It's kind of expected given that all (and I mean ALL) the areas in the game are interconnected so, quite often, you'll read a hint that'll become relevant 8 hours later or you'll flip a switch in "zone 7" that opens a new path in "zone 3" and so on. I think, that's kind of the point and is one of the unique aspects that make this game so memorable as it challenges your abilities to explore and take note of both major and minor elements in the ruins that might come into play lately. Rule is: if it looks Unique, Out of place or reminds you of an item you have, either bash it, bomb it, use the similar looking item or take note of it and look for mechanisms or altars IN THE RUINS.
Missable items are not a concern either as that's kind of the point and there're warnings in the vicinity of said items (something something "YOU GET ONE CHANCE" something something) and even then you can save scum easily.
My advice is, enjoy the game for what it is, don't try to speedrun it or follow a walkthrough, rather enjoy it at a slow pace, in moderation, explore the ruins and try to make as much progress as you can during that session and, if you feel you hit a wall or something's too cryptic, then and only then help yourself to a walkthrough for that part.
You'll enjoy it much more and you'll still get the surprises, frustrations and satisfaction that this game will make you feel in heaps.
So, I can understand the negative reviews but for me (and for many others) the game is great and to this day is one of those games that has so much passion and thought put into it...though, it's still not a perfect game.
In the near future I plan to play La-Mulana 2 and I hope I will get an experience similar to this one albeit with puzzles tweaked so that slumps or random findings\brute forcing can be reduced to a minimum.
This game is more than meets the eye. I'm about 4-5 hours into the game and I found myself still coming back for more. I've taken a look at some reviews...good ones and bad ones. I can only agree with good ones, why?
Most of the bad reviews don't take into account that this game is a restyling of the old La-Mulana for NES, and they make some critical errors.
I've read people complaining about the fact that the game should be playied with some sort of guide or the fact that the game lacks of in-depth guides on the net.
The last thing that I'd want in a game when I'm an explorer visiting unknown ruins is to know in advance what I'm getting into. In the steam community, however, I've seen some basic and advanced guides released by fan of the game, but as one of them and as the guides themselves states I highly suggest you to not read them unless you have no idea on what to do.
This game is not meant to be easy at all, there are plenty of secrets and deadly traps that will kill you in an unfair way...still you'll be coming back for more and eventually you'll get better at guessing what'll kill you and what'll net you rewards such as weapons and artifacts.
Also, when you resolve an enigma you won't ear nothing unless you have the artifact that'll let you know that something happened...why? Because it's more fun this way and more challenging.
You never feel like the game is broken...sometimes it's just incredibly hard, but still if you try harder and look in the right places you have everything it takes to figure it out by yourselves the problems and kick the ass of the ruins malevolent inhabitants.
Another big issue from what I've read is control system...I have pretty much to agree on this one, the controls are clunky, still, they're not broken...after a while is easy to get used to them and at that point to gain complete control over the unfortunate Lemeza.
To wrap this up, you have nothing to fear...take a chance, brace yourselves and step into the ruins of La-Mulana. Your skills, your patience and your intelligence will be tested. If you seek a challenge this is the game for you. If you are new to the genre try this game and think of it as how a good retro adventure game should be.
As I said before, I still find myself coming back for more...it's rare for me nowadays and I'm hella happy of this since it really means that what I bought was as fun and challenging as I'd expected.
I'm definitely writing too much, so I'll really end this with a last sentence this time:
I suggest you this game, I have no regrets in buying it and I'm confident that if you like challenges or old-style games you won't too.
Have fun, enjoy your stay at La-Mulana.
👍 : 1 |
😃 : 0