61976 Minuten
After +1000 hours of playing this fantastic game, I think it´s time for a detailed review.
I can absolutely recommend this game. Why? Please take one minute and read...
Especially the FREE AVAILABLE POTZBLITZ MOD, which takes the game to the next level and covers all the aspects that some players might dislike, made me play this game until today.
I know, it is not perfect, but i don´t believe a perfect game exists anyway.
Please take the time to read all advantages and disadvantages this magnificent game offers.
The Review covers the MAIN GAME, but i ll try to highlight the improvements that the POTZBLITZ MOD offers as well.
What do I like?
1. One of the best available WW1 Hex-based Strategy Games on the market - all for a very fair and affordable price. (Yes I know, Strategic Command is also good, no need to comment that).
2. Easy to learn - Simple Interface, easy to have an overview about "what´s going on". You don’t need to dig into tons of stats and facts. It’s all there just one or two clicks away.
Certainly the best of the three available "Commander-Series" games.
If you like Commander - Europe at War (WWII), i am sure you will also like this.
3. It includes simple research options that allow you to modify your strategy. The research investments are not useless, they "are felt" on the battlefield. Starting from 1914, a real arms race is going on in terms of getting the better tech level than your opponent. Quality units can make a difference and you have to find the right balance between ´mass and class´.
4. It includes all WW1 typical weapons incl. Railroad Guns, Zeppelins, Dreadnoughts.
The static Trench-Warfare is simulated very well, but still allows you to modify your attack plan. Especially the use of artillery, production of ammunition, rapid troop movements via railway/shipping, and reconnaissance with aircraft/zeppelins to identify weak spots in frontlines is fun.
5. Multiplayer Games (Server still exists) are EPIC. Playing against a human minimize all the disadvantages of this game massively.
6. Several famous, historical WW1 Generals and Admirals can be unlocked during the game depending on your performance. They can be attached to any units and add attack/defence bonus for troops in their vicinity. (=Allows you to strengthen a part of the frontline or support an ongoing attack)
7. Sinking the convoys of your opponent to cut them of supply is important, protecting your own convoys is equally vital. That makes the Naval Warfare part interesting - The Navy is not just a "nice tool" - its actually crucial to use ships wisely to gain victory. Sadly the AI does not use the Navy efficient. Play MP and you won’t have this problem.
8. There is a fantastic, FREE MOD available ("POTZBLITZ"). Probably the best mod i played so far in any game. It adds the missing diplomacy aspect of the game and makes it much more difficult which keeps experienced players involved.
(I played about +100 hours CTGW and +900 with the Potzblitz Mod.)
9. I don’t want to mention the graphics, let’s say they serve the purpose. Graphics are nice and the game-flow is fluent. Graphics are not awesome, but i do not link the "fun-level" of a hexbased strategy game to "brilliant" graphics. Game is fun, full stop.
As always, here are some aspects that players mind find annoying (they did not stop me from enjoying this).
The negative aspects are for the Basic Game only - Most of them are solved if you play the available MOD or if you face a human player:
1. The AI becomes predictable after having played a few hours. The computer does the same moves including the same mistakes. Example: Large Russian Armies can be surrounded and cut off supply easily and they seem to be happy with that?! The French army prefers defending Italy instead of defending their own country, once Italy joins, half of the french army just moves away from the western front. Thats insane. (The Potzblitz MOD changes this for good, and again, human players in MP won´t do that!)
2. Because of these "stovepiped" scenarios (Basic Version seems to follow the same path...i.e. all countries join the same alliance at the same time over and over again. That might be historically correct, but after two games it gets boring and becomes too predictable. Therefore the Main Game does not have a high replay value unless you play a human or with the MOD. If you beat the computer once with CP and Entente Alliance each, you have seen it all. You can do it again, but the game will follow the same mechanics. To have a bit of a challenge, I recommend to start the game on max. difficulty immedialty. After 4 played campaigns, two with each fraction (=80-100 Hours), i wanted to stop...But then i found the "Potzblitz MOD"...
The MOD allows you to change histroy and even gives you the option to choose other attack plans than the Schlieffen i.e. the Rupprecht or Ostmarsch-Plan. This boosts the replay value.
3. The Diplomacy aspect of the basic game is poor - All you can do is to declare war. Thats it, there are zero options i.e. influencing countries, make political decisions, invite new allies or infiltrate other countries etc. Nothing. The game has a heavy focus on hex-based warfighting only. (Which on the other hand makes it accessible for junior strategy game players that dont like too much depth).
(Again: The available Potzblitz MOD adds this missing peace and includes diplomacy)
4. The WW1 setting offers so many more options i.e. Developments in the colonies? Spy activities? Other attack plans that were discarded? The political diplomatic struggles on both sides to get "neutral" countries involved to join their side? None of this is covered. The game follows a strict path: Starting from turn 1 the Schlieffen plan has already been "activated", the start position of every unit is totally fixed, new countries always join the same side. (Again: The available Potzblitz MOD changes this for good. It allows you to choose from several hundereds (!) of historical events. Example: Players can even decide to send the Goeben/Breslau warships to either the Ottomans to make them join faster OR to strenghten the German East Asian Squadron instead which boosts the Chance that the famous warship "Emden" returns to Germany safely and therefore adds Admiral Graf Spee to the German Commander-Pool)
5. "Next turn calculation times" can be pretty long in the endgame when dozens of units are moved around. (Up to a few minutes. I guess no MOD can change that :)
6. Aircraft are slightly overpowered: Unrealistic that poor, slow and machne gun equipped aircraft can damage an entire army corps etc.
Remark: The Potzblitz MOD is for advanced players only. I strongly encourage all new players to finish the basic game first on hardest difficulty before using the MOD. But the reward is fantastic, if you are historically interested in WW1, the Potzblitz MOD is a "must play".
The basic version of Strategic Command WW1 is better than CTGW, but the POTZBLITZ is better than Strategic Command. I played them both, it´s just my opinion. I have never seen so many events happening in any game. Even after 1000 hours new events are happening that I have not seen before (not joking!)
But: Have patience. POTZBLITZ difficulty is mad. You need to move every unit carefully. (I like that, it makes you plan every move very cautiously, it’s not just click and kill anymore!)
Give it a try.
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