929 minutes
[u][b]-Quick Review-[/b][/u]
This has been the worst Star Wars game I’ve played so far. Of course, there’s always a loyal fanbase willing to take the steps to mod the game to improve the gameplay, and that’s the route to go to make Mysteries of the Sith playable… (and if you want to get the game, you definitely should go that direction) but I’m not reviewing Mysteries of the Sith: the Mod. I’m reviewing the game I installed by default on steam and boy do I have stuff to say about this game… but before we do that.
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith is a story driven (toggle-able) first or third person shooter developed by LucasArts and released in 1998. You play as Kyle Katarn for the first four level then the rest of the game you play as Mara Jade. It’s part of the Jedi Knight Series, but that requires a reminder of the order of these games because the names don’t make any sense. First Game was “Dark Forces”, then “Dark Forces II”, next we have the expansion-game we’re reviewing now: “Mysteries of the Sith”, then there was “Jedi Outcast”, and lastly, we had “Jedi Academy”.
[u][b]Review Video:[/b][/u]
If you don't like reading, or are curious about watching gameplay check out my video here:
[u][b]-Detailed breakdown review-[/b][/u]
[b]Story:[/b] There’s not much to say about the story in Mysteries of the Sith. There’s a short Cutscene before and after you finish the level. Calling this an “expansion” is fair because there’s less here than in any of the other Jedi Knight Games. The game starts out with Kyle Katarn training his apprentice Mara Jade. The first few levels are played as our boy Kyle when suddenly a New Republic base gets attacked by the Empire.
After the first few levels are finished Kyle says it’s time for them to part ways because he’s discovered a Sith Temple on Dromund Kaas. You play the rest of the game as Mara Jade assisting the New Republic, you’ll deal with a Hutt and some Pirates until eventually Mara learns they’ve lost contact with Kyle on Dromund Kaas and she goes there to find him.
[b]Gameplay:[/b] I’ve gone on the record to describe the basic gameplay experience for Mysteries of the Sith as “Run through the level until you hit a dead end… then backtrack all the way to the beginning trying to find the one small hole/vent/door. Then you do it all over again, play until you hit a dead end backtrack until you find the stupid secret tunnel which lets you move on to the rest of the game.
The combat is broken up with your choice of Lightsaber, Blaster, Force Powers, and thermal detonators. You can toggle the camera between first- and third-person view. I played mostly in first person with lightsaber combat because occasionally Mara would deflect incoming damage, and I’ll take every advantage I can get. However, there were sections where all enemies were dramatically out of my range, and then I turned to Ye ‘ol Blaster Rifle to scratch those hard-to-get-itches.
You also have the typical Jedi Knight / Dark Forces UI with the Red Health and Green Shield Icon in the bottom left of the screen, and Ammo and available Force power in the bottom right of the screen.
I only played the single player of Mysteries of the Sith, short of experimenting with character customizations and loading into a multiplayer level by myself. There aren’t any bots you can add to the multiplayer either, so you’re just wandering around by yourself.
But it’s worth noting that there is Multiplayer, and you can set up your avatar and lightsaber color. If you wanted to, you could set up a LAN game, you could probably play online too… but the network provider options are “Serial Connection”, “Modem Connection”, or “Internet TCP/IP Connection” for DirectPlay. First: I don’t have any friends who want to play this game, which we couldn’t get from playing any of the Star Wars Battlefront games. Second: IP connections are pretty hit or miss, I’m sure I’d need to troubleshoot and download something or do port forwarding to play online.
However, just note there *IS* multiplayer, there are still people online who join communities for the Jedi Knight Games and would likely play with you if you joined those communities.
[b]Conclusion:[/b] Apparently, when it first came out the reception for Mysteries of the Sith was generally positive, with many people saying there was room for improvement. Even now you can see the pretty standard divide between people who like Mysteries of the Sith and those that don’t; part of the blame might fall on the port available on Steam for the poor condition I found Mysteries of the Sith, but this was my least favorite game in the Jedi Knight Series.
As always you can do the work to fix the game up to make it much more functional, attractive looking, and more playable. With my review, I’m coming from the perspective of an un-modded basic installation of Mysteries of the Sith.
If you’re already a fan of the game, go ahead and grab it on a sale and fix it up with mods. For anyone else interested in playing Mysteries of the Sith, brace yourself for what you’re about to get into. I could recommend any of the other Jedi Knight Games pretty easily, but not this one. I fought my way through this game looking forward to being done with it every step of the way.
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