Tempo di gioco:
1783 minuti
An extremely cool and interesting game, made with love, held back by technical problems and bad design decisions. The setting is great, characters are simple and a bit stereotyped, but they're enjoyable to listen to. The overall story is also interesting enough, I particulary enjoyed the Saxonian faction story. The campaign also suffers from weird decisions and unbalanced mechanics, for example, during one of the Saxonian faction missions, you have to escort a giant mech, Brunhilde, through the whole map, and the mech is SLOOOOOOOW, but she is also extremely strong, which means that you're gonna have to wait for her to slooowly make her way to your other units. Other times, during more normal missions, it can often feel like you're facing an unfair amount of enemies, which is something that can be really cool sometimes, but I often felt hopeless and I just had to restart a mission and rush certain objectives before the enemy could do anything.
Mechs are absolutely overpowered, most infantry units just get destroyed by a couple of them, and there's little stopping you from producing one of the most expensive ones really early, which leads to easy, yet slow, victories. (Most of the aforementioned unfair missions are the ones where you can't build most mechs).
I understand mechs being the focus of the game, but infantry should also have some sort of role to play, maybe they could have been much cheaper than they are now, or maybe they could be super fast to train and cost very little unit space, something to make them worth the effort of building an army with, because right now they mostly feel useless.
Buildings also suffer from similiar problems, there exactly THREE things to build, headquarters, barracks and workshop, there are also bunkers but they don't really matter. Sandbags and barbed wire are COMPLETELY useless, since even basic mechs can instantly trample them. Maybe some sort of EMP bunker or magnetic field to slow down mechs could have been cool, giving you more reasons to build defenses.
Because of stuff like this I reccomend playing the story on the standard difficulty, since the hard difficulty just forces you to play in unfun ways. There's also a game mode where you play on a big world map, conquer regions and build your army, I enjoyed it and I believe it does a good job in countering some of the slow aspects of the game, since there are missions where you are forced to run around the map to conquer objectives and what not, so wheter getting a slow mech or a fast infantry unit is now an actual decision you have to make. The biggest problem I've encountered with this mode so far is a weird lack of music, sometimes it feels like there's no music for 1-2 minutes, and then it suddenly starts, just to end after a while, really weird.
I really enjoyed the dubbing, altough it leads to some funny moments where everyone just speaks their own language but can still understand each other (kinda like Tekken), I believe it adds a lot of charm to the game and I absolutely loved it.
I haven't tried the multiplayer so I can't speak about that, but I think the game is worth trying out even just for the singleplayer content and the unique setting. Try it out :)
👍 : 1 |
😃 : 0