Temps de jeu:
4309 minutes
This game is rather fun, but it is also very punishing and extremely frustrating at times.
I am still going to recommend it since it was still a net positive for me (and I played it for a good while), but your mileage may vary.
(+) Game looks and sounds good, comat's rather fun, progression gives plenty of choice
(+) Some of the puzzles and shortcut are very satisfying to figure out, especially when low on options
(+) Really cool boss fights
(-) When you don't have the right tools yet, some fights feel really unfair
(-) Deckbuilder UI is pretty annoying to use
(-) So much info is hidden, some secrets are ridiculously tedious.
This game is easy. This game is difficult. To be more precise, the game asks questions. If you have the answer, great, things go smoothly. If you don't, you're going to have a bad time.
No ranged attack? Those bomb beetles will explode on you. Many enemies? Hope you have good movement/area damage, because 3ap will only get you so far, especially if you need to spend 1 of it removing root, sleep or stun. Can't clear a room quickly? Well, that gizmo in the middle of the room will poke you for 2 every turn, have fun.
The biggest questions will come from later bosses, some of which can render your attacks ineffective while others will bring your demise quickly. If you get caught off guard, you can - and will - lose that battle, no matter how OP you think you are. Nothing like filling the arena with OP summons and losing because haha stealth.
Overall my experience was: early game was challenging because of having few strong cards, mid game was rather fair and interesting - you start exploring stuff in other archetypes and everything, and late game was a piece of cake because you can pretty much sneeze and go infinite.
This game, like most recently-released games nowadays, has bugs. Many were patched quickly, but I still got a couple ones. Some are to your advantage (seems having only one fragile rune doesn't increase damage taken), some are annoying (root eating your ap on the following turn), and some are just weird (animation glitch that persists until death and freezes your game if you attack in that state). Mostly acceptable state.
However, there are two bits that really hindered my enjoyment of the game:
- The deckbuilding UI is very clunky. You have to manually change runes one by one. And you can't add cards to the deck unless the runes required are equipped. No "look around collection, add stuff then trim to fit runes", you need to add the runes first. Playing 2 archetypes and wondering which one you have best tier 3 cards for? Maybe go 2/2 and 1 of another for flexibility? Gotta try all that manually, yay !
- So many things are just... obscure. You can't see the range of cards until you try them. Some seem very good until you realize it's not a big area and it's like 2 awkwardly spread tiles. Enemies have effect when hit or killed... but you'll only see what exactly after the fact. There's hardly any resource for the game yet, and some things are very unintuitive or absurdly hidden. You'll reach the tutorial boss and lose, and wonder wtf it's OP. You'll check in-game and find no counter, but its gimmick is explained in a dev comment on steam... yeah, you wouldn't have guessed that's how it works. For the last curio I missed, you need to find the regular-looking tile to interact with, multiple times. It took me many hours going through it, even with the one post about it giving some vague indications about possible locations.
👍 : 1 |
😃 : 0