38779 Minuten
Where to start?
I used to play Kill La Kill IF a ton. A fuckton. Steam says it's 645 hours here but I played it on Switch and PlayStation 4, so about 900-1000 hours is more realistic. I participated in more than a dozen of tournaments of which I won the large majority of them as well, hell, some considered me the best player this game had. I teached newcomers, labbed with others, spoke about the game, made theories and changed the meta.
Apart from the game, I spent hundreds of hours to promote this game, I uploaded videos, made advertisement whenever I can, did stream layouts for tournaments and more. Was it worth getting into it?
First: if you are a KLK fan, then this game might actually be something for you. If you aren't, stay away. KLK IF's balancing sucks. The single player content sucks. The training mode lacks many functions - it's good to lab combos but not to train specific situations. The differences between the characters are huge (!), but as I said, the balancing sucks. Some characters hardcounter others. My best girl Nui Harime is the worst character in the game - preferences aside, it can't be that Inumuta is second/third strongest character in comparison to that.
Some characters are incredibly unfair - Dual Wield Ryuko is bugged on all platforms, she has an animation that removes her hitbox, thus making her invincible for the duration of said animation. Problem is, that animation can be followed up with a block. You can guess how a match can look like then. Other characters like Inumuta have true infinites that cannot be escaped from. There are only very few that feel balanced, such as Satsuki. Nudist Beach eliminates you easily without escaping should you dare to stop blocking.
On Steam, this game runs like shit. Even if your PC surpasses optimal requirements, there will be lags, and possibly crashes - one map works with so many particles it causes the game to stutter, and unless both opponents (in multiplayer which doesn't work too well either) have 60 FPS and a good internet connection, the room or game will crash.
I worked as a moderator on the game's Discord, and I spent days and nights on it, trying to make it a fun and welcoming place. Instead, people are toxic, complain about every little thing in the game, and be it a single move - this went so far that former champions of the game (including me) have left the game and the Discord.
This game CAN (!) be fun at times.
I just wish the community wouldn't have so many pretentious assholes that feel attacked by a dude who happened to lab the shit out of his character. This game is a Discord fighter. If you want to join, you can find the invite link somewhere in the game's discussions. There are roundabout 30+ people playing on all platforms. Sometimes I wish I could play it still, for old times, or maybe because doing combos was fun. Toxicity there is a heritage, given from those who call themselves veterans down to the new people. Thought patterns are applied and no one understands why, people just go with it. Someone said something bad about Inumuta? To hell with him - Inumuta, I mean. Yes, the critique is understandable. But not a reason to actively shittalk a character up to the point where people need to feel bad about playing them. IN A TOURNAMENT! Even now, I hear from friends and former people I played with that they are not feeling comfortable, or leaving. I had to make my own KLK IF channel on my Discord because that's the only space where people feel comfortable enough to play.
Their admin is 15 years old and has barely played the game (unlike the veterans or me) and toxic as well as pretentious - and a liar on top of that. Excellent. His predecessor? Pissed off by the game and especially the English part of the community which is 80% of it - he wrote things to me you don't want to hear from an admin. He was angry as hell. They couldn't find a better replacement. I think that says a lot. If one of these people is reading this: I hope you guys know what are doing.
So, was it worth it getting into the game?
No. For the friends I found, yes. But the game itself? The people that are now in charge of the community? And the behaviour there?
I hear every month of people who leave the game behind, people I loved to play with and trained. It's not the same anymore. Everyone is toxic.
This game doesn't necessarily suck. The people behind it do.
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