1899 Minuten
Ok womit fang ich an ,
dieses spiel is einfach der hammer, jeden tag aufs neue neues Adventures (durch Community gebaute Adventures)
dies macht der Coole und leicht zu bedienende Level Editor möglich
[u] [b] PRO : [/b] [/u]
- relativ gute Grafik für ein Indie Game
- Level Editor
- Multiplayer (Coop bis zu 4 mann)
- Dropsystem (von Crap bis zu Legendary Items)
- Lootshrine (dort kann man seine Items gegen sagen wir mal Gold Verkaufen mit dem man dann beten kann für Extra sachen von (Bronze bis Platinum) dabei sind sachen wie z.b :
rucksackerweiterungen (bis max 30 Slots)
Stat Punkte
Legendary Items
TP und Stamina (Permanent)
und vieles mehr.
- und nicht zu Vergessen die mögichkeit einen Drachen zu Töten (der zwar viel TP hat und eine gute herausforderrung ist)
[u] [b] Contra : [/b] [/u]
- Teilweise sehr selten gute Coop Games (sehr geringe Spieler im Multiplayer)
- Synchronisation im Multiplayer teilweise nicht sogut das man sehr oft laggt und durch die gegend geschleudert wird.
- im Level Editor noch ziemlich wenige Items (z.b Gegner und Dekorationen)
ansonsten wie gesagt Top spiel ,wer auf Hack&Slash nennen wirs mal steht sollte es sich aufjedenfall gönnen max level ist momentan lvl 60 und man hat 4 verschiedene Character zur auswahl , die alle andere Fertigkeiten haben :
[u] [b] 1: Fighter [/b] [/u]
Passive: The Fighter slowly regenerates rage (mana) when his health is below 50%
Secondary: Shield bash; enemies in front of the fighter are knocked back
Skill1: Uses one bar of rage/mana. Pushes back enemies strongly and causes some damage.
Skill2: Availeable after lvl 5. Uses two bars of rage/mana. The fighter smashes into the ground and pushes away all surronding enemies over a great distance.
Skill3: Availeable after lvl 10. Uses three bars of rage/mana. The fighter rotates multiple times and causes damage with every spin.
Skill4: Availeable after lvl 15. Uses four bars of rage/mana. You deal double damage and move faster but can't pick up or swap weapons.
Weapons: As alll classes, the fighter can wield swords, axes and clubs together with a shield.
Additionally, the fighter can use Greatswords, Hammers and throwing hatches.
[u] [b] 2: FireLord [/b] [/u]
Passive: The Fire Lord gets less damage while walking through lava.
Secondary: Places a crystal on the ground which detonates when enemies are close by.
Skill1: Uses one bar of ember/mana. Sets surrounding enemies on fire.
Skill2: Availeable after lvl 5. Uses two bars of rage/mana. The Fire Lord smashes into the ground and pushes away all surronding enemies over a great distance.
Skill3: Availeable after lvl 10. Uses three bars of embers/mana. The Fire Lord breathes fire in one direction for a couple of seconds, causing significant damage.
Skill4: Availeable after lvl 15. Uses four bars of rage/mana. Creates an astroid rain that causes lots of damage to all enemies which are hit.
Weapons: As all classes, the fire lord has access to swords, axes and clubs together with a shield. Additionally, he can use tomes, staffs, wands and crystals.
[u] [b] 3: IceWizard [/b] [/u]
Passive: Regenerates health while in water.
Secondary: Creates a shield that explodes when the Ice Wizard is hit.
Skill1: Uses one bar of frost/mana. Freezes surrounding enemies.
Skill2: Availeable after lvl 5. Uses two bars of frost/mana. The Ice Wizard smashes into the ground and pushes away all surronding enemies over a great distance.
Skill3: Availeable after lvl 10. Uses three bars of frost/mana. The ice Wizard breathes ice, freezig enemies and causing damage.
Skill4: Availeable after lvl 15. Uses four bars of frost/mana. Creates a rain of icycles whic cause dramatic damatic damage to those who are hit.
Weapons: As all classes, the ice wizard can use swords, axes and clubs together with a shield. Additionally, he can wield staffs, tomes, wands and crystals.
[u] [b] 4: Rouge [/b] [/u]
Passive: Sprinting and dodge rolls cost less stammina.
Secondary: Throws a bomb which detonates after a few seconds.
Skill1: Uses one bar of shadow/mana. Gets invisible to enemies for a short time and causes triple damage to the first enemy he hits.
Skill2: Availeable after lvl 5. Uses two bars of shadow/mana. The Rogue places a staff on the floor which electrolutes enemies for a few seconds.
Skill3: Availeable after lvl 10. Uses three bars of shadow/mana. The Rogue spins around, throwing daggers which poinson enemies.
Skill4: Availeable after lvl 15. Uses four bars of shadow/mana. The Rogue smashes into the ground, stunning surrounding enemies briefly and causing some damage.
Weapons: As all classes, the black Rogue can use swords, axes and clubs together with a shield. Additionally, he can use shurikens, crossbows, spears, daggers and shortswords.
happy hunting (maybe see y ingame ^.^
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