515 minutes
During the period of the Galactic Empire's rise, Darth Vader locates a Jedi on the planet Kashyyyk and pursues him. However before the Dark Lord can execute his target, his lightsaber is ripped from his hands by a young boy. Saving the boy's life from execution at the hands of Imperial soldiers, Vader takes the boy and trains him as a secret apprentice, to pursue the enemies of the Empire... And more Jedi.
The Force Unleashed is another chapter in Star Wars' Legends/Expanded Universe, delivering players an incredible power fantasy across a handful of locations between the events of Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. Also delivered with the Ultimate Sith Edition are a variety of bonus skins and three new missions to play through, one set during the main story and two that are alternate takes on the events of A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back.
Force Unleashed's story is serviceable in a good way. While it's simplicity can be chalked up to a product of it's time, it still makes for a good Star Wars adventure. Laden with a hero's journey and conflict for our protagonist Starkiller, Force Unleashed balances out it's story with it's levels and gameplay.
Throughout the game's thirteen missions, the level design is linear but very memorable. However there is bias to my wording here as i did own this game on two separate consoles before finally getting it on PC. I can still find familiarity with the ten levels that come with the main story. The bonus three levels that were DLC for this game were fresh to me in my playthrough before making this review. Which is comforting in it's own way. Despite that my first playthrough of Force Unleashed was over a decade ago and my last one being towards the start of the pandemic, i had new content to play for the first time. And those three additional levels were great additions.
From Imperial facilities to the toxic and junk filled wastes of Raxus Prime and other locations, Starkiller will change into a variety of outfits to suit the environment or occasion. And each of these additional costumes are all well designed, not to mention the haul of additional skins that can be unlocked through cheats and the DLC selections (some of which alter the lightsaber to fit the character skin). You'll likely have a favorite or list of favorites to use.
But each mission is fraught with it's own threats and dangers tied to them, Imperial forces to enforce some plausible deniability with Starkiller's secret assignments, an emerging Rebel element, natives and locals of some planets, scavenging groups, great beasts and more.
Boss fights i've found were either on the scale of incredible ease or brutal difficulty. Nothing in the middle. The more difficult fights can be a little infuriating, the second target for Starkiller is a good example as he's sat right between two very easy fights on the level before and after and yet can present a real challenge with his speed and some unblockable attacks.
However nothing will be left standing when it comes to Starkiller's lightsaber and Force powers. And Force Unleashed lives up to the name with just how overpowered the player can get. Over the course of the game you'll unlock more powers to throw at your enemies who all get tougher and add new types to keep you thinking. From Force Grip to Push, Lightning, Repulse, Saber Throw and even a Lightning Shield. With each enemy killed, you gain XP that upon leveling grants one sphere of all three attributes. Blue for upgrading your Force Powers, Yellow for upgrading your Talents (Passive buffs to health, total Force, damage dealt, damage resistance) and Red for unlocking more Force Combos. Doing combos will yield even more XP just for performing it so depending on how well you play, you'll be upgrading your abilities much faster for more devastating effect. Orbs are also earned from completing optional objectives in each level, from a miscellaneous task, reaching a certain score among your combos and dispatching of foes to finding hidden holocrons.
Holocrons are a set of collectables that contain various rewards. There are two types in Force Unleashed, gold Jedi holocrons contain XP boosts, costumes, lightsaber crystal colors and power crystals that apply buffs to your lightsaber attacks. Each gold holocron counts towards the bonus objectives of the levels. Red Sith holocrons meanwhile provide temporary buffs to the player and are usually found incredibly easily or even put right in front of you. These ones don't count towards your bonus given their lack of difficulty in obtaining.
My time playing Force Unleashed wasn't without it's issues. Over the course of my playthrough i dealt with a number of crashes that i did my best to find solutions to however with limited success other than what options i had to edit in the files. There were also numerous instances of completely cut dialogue that i never experienced while playing the game on consoles. Weather it's a fault of this being a PC port, i wouldn't know too much but take all of that as a warning.
Despite that however, Force Unleashed offers up incredible gameplay and combat alongside a protagonist that fans still hope for a return to canon in some form of way. It's a game i would absolutely recommend to anyone currently going through the Star Wars catalogue of games.
👍 : 9 |
😃 : 0