2353 minutes
Sometimes in "choices matter" games the choices don't matter enough. This is an example of a game where choices matter too much -- you either make the exact right choices at every single point of the story, or the game takes reins from you. It is just another way of stripping away player agency, and at least to me far more frustrating one.
The things I really liked: the game has a lot of world lore and an interesting moral/political setup (social contract vs unquestioned tradition), they make for an excellent basis for the story.
Then more ambivalent things. There's quite a lot of content. However that only means one will waste several hours during the first playthrough before inexorably sinking into the impassable quagmire that is the endgame (more of that later). The music and sound effects are sparse, but they fit the game and do enhance the mood.
The illustrations are black-and-white, rather crude comic book art style ink drawings. They are not remarkable as such, but they are numerous, and they enhance the story by adding visual details (although they don't always match the text). There is also an "Animated illustrations" setting, but none of the illustrations accompanying the story have any actual animations, the entire images just move back and forth slightly, which adds nothing but distracts reading. Only the introductory screens at the beginning of each chapter are (rudimentarily) animated.
Then the negative things. The beef of the game are the story and the choice mechanics.
Unfortunately I grew to actively dislike the writing of this game. Writing is extremely hamfisted, void of any humor, and perfunctory. Nothing has nuances. Everything is so exaggaratingly grim that the story reads like a parody. Most characters are extremely unlikable, making it very hard to care for goals like saving your family (yet the game will punish you severely if you fail to do so). Some characters also don't act coherently, but change their personality as required by the scenes. There are scenes that actually convey something worthwhile, but they are too few and far between. Drudging through the sludge of endless forced unrefined drama intermitted by occasional info dumps first became numbing and then vexing. So it is fair to say I definitely did not enjoy the story. However, this is a matter of taste, and the choice mechanics could still make the game interesting even if the story would fail to impress.
But the choice mechanics are fatally flawed. Every choice one makes in the game adds something -- stat, willpower, relationship change, destiny token. These will be needed later in the game to open more choices. All dandy so far, and for many hours this does indeed seem like a perfectly fine mechanism (the game even let's you see what you will immediately gain with each individual choice). Until, in the last third of the game, you find out that you should have made the exact right choices from the beginning of the game (but you had no way of knowing what they could possibly be at the time), otherwise you will be literally locked out of any meaningful choices for the rest of the game. So you just wasted several hours, and should now spend several hours again, and again, until you manage to find the combination of choices in all earlier phases that actually will allow you to proceed to the end of your own volition. So much for roleplaying. Unlike in most visual novels, there is no option to fast forward already seen text. The game's inner logic also goes out the window during the final third. The story starts proceeding in ways that ignore things that have occurred, and on several occasions you cannot do things that definitely should be possible with the choices made (like: I can't contact a person because he's "in hiding", even though I've hidden him myself at my workplace precisely to keep him safe and available). This ruins what little immersion and sense of agency there may have been left.
This is of course just one experience. Many reviewers have enjoyed the writing; if you happen to like it, you may enjoy the game a lot more than I did. And if you are OK with this game being a (sometimes illogical) puzzle that requires arduous, very time-consuming trial-and-error choice min/maxing instead of an RPG (which it claims to be), you may like the game mechanics as well. But there is no shortage of much better story-heavy games where choices really matter in a sane way. Check out Choice of Games, for example, they offer several very enjoyable (and affordable) ChoiceScript games, such as Choice of Robots and Tin Star just to name a couple.
👍 : 18 |
😃 : 0