Garfield Kart


81 😀     22 😒


Garfield Kartを他のゲームと比較する

Garfield Kart のレビュー

出版社 Microids
カテゴリー シングルプレイヤー, 部分的なコントローラーサポート
ジャンル レース
発売日16 10月, 2015
プラットフォーム Windows, Mac
対応言語 English, French, Italian, German, Spanish - Spain

Garfield Kart
103 総評
81 ポジティブなレビュー
22 否定的レビュー
ほとんど肯定的 スコア

Garfield Kart は合計 103 件のレビューを獲得しており、そのうち 81 件が好評、22 件が不評です。総合スコアは「ほとんど肯定的」です。


上記のグラフは、Garfield Kart のフィードバックの傾向を示しており、新しいアップデートや機能が導入された際のプレイヤーの意見の変化を視覚的に表しています。このデータを通じて、ゲームの評価の推移を理解できます。

最新の Steam レビュー

このセクションでは、{name} の最新 10 件の Steam レビューを表示し、さまざまなプレイヤーの体験や感想を紹介します。各レビューの概要には、総プレイ時間、肯定的・否定的な反応の数が含まれており、コミュニティのフィードバックを明確に示しています。

プレイ時間: 20 分
gave me aids
👍 : 0 | 😃 : 0
プレイ時間: 244 分
Alligator Tape
👍 : 0 | 😃 : 0
プレイ時間: 18 分
cat no funne
👍 : 1 | 😃 : 3
プレイ時間: 122 分
👍 : 3 | 😃 : 1
プレイ時間: 854 分
This is the greatest game money can buy. It makes mariokart seem way overrated
👍 : 1 | 😃 : 0
プレイ時間: 6565 分
This is honestly one of the best games I've ever drankeden in my entirtyed if my entyire lives.
👍 : 1 | 😃 : 0
プレイ時間: 237 分
When I was 18... 18 years old, I saw for the first time in my life... I saw an image of clarity. I saw a comic strip... a three panel comic strip that, though simple as it seemed, changed me... changed my being, changed who I am... Made me who I am... Enlightened me... The strip, Garfield, the comic strip was new... no more than maybe a month and a half since inception, since... since coming into existence... and there it was before me in print, I saw it... a comic strip... What was it called? Garfield. The story here is of a man, a plain man. He is Jon, but he is more than that... I will get to this later, but first let us say that he's Jon, a plain man. And then there is a cat... Garfield. This is the nature of the world, here. When I see the world, the politics, the future, the... the satellites in space, and... the people who put them there... You can look at everything as a man and a cat... two beings, in harmony and at war... So, this strip I saw; this man, Jon, and the cat, Garfield, you see... Yes... hmm... It is about everything. This... little comic is, oh, lo and behold... not so little anymore. So yes, when I was 18, I saw this comic... and it hit me all at once, its power. I clipped it, and every day, I looked at it, and I said "Okay... let me look at this here. What is this doing to me? Why is this so powerful?" Jon Arbuckle, he sits here, legs crossed... comfortable in his home, and he reads his newspaper... The news of the world, perhaps... and then he extends his fingers lightly, delicately... he taps his fingers on an end table, and he feels for something... What is it? It is something he needs, but it is not there. And then he looks up, slightly cockeyed, and he thinks... His newspaper's in his lap now, and he thinks this... Now where could my pipe be? This... I always come to this, because I was a young man... I'm older now, and I still don't have the secrets, the answers, so this question still rings true, Jon looks up and he thinks... Now where could my pipe be? And then it happens... You see it, you see... it's almost like divine intervention, suddenly it is there, and it overpowers you... A cat is smoking a pipe. It is the man's pipe, it's Jon's pipe, but the cat... this cat, Garfield, is smoking the pipe... and from afar, and someplace near, but not clear... near but not clear... The man calls out... Jon calls out, he is shocked. "Garfield!" he shouts. Garfield. The cat's name. But, let's take a step back... let us examine this from all sides, all perspectives... and when I first came across this comic strip, I was at my father's house... a newspaper had arrived, and I picked it up for him, and brought it inside. I organized its sections for him and then, yes, the comic strip section fell out from somewhere in the middle, and landed on the kitchen floor... I picked up the paper pages and saw, up somewhere near the top of this strip... just like Jon, I was wearing an aquamarine shirt. So I thought, "Ah, interesting. I'll have to see this later." I snipped out the little comic, and held on to it... and five days later, I reexamined it... and it gripped me, I needed to find out more about this. The information I had was minimal, but enough... An orange cat named Garfield... Okay, that seemed to be the lynchpin of this whole operation, yes. Another clue... a signature in the bottom right corner, a man's name... Jim Davis. Yes, I'm on to it for sure. So... one: Garfield, orange cat, and two: Jim Davis, the creator of this cat... And that curiously plain man. I did not know, at the time, that his name was Jon. This strip, you see, had no mention of this man's name, and I'd never seen it before. But I had these clues; Jim Davis, Garfield. And then I saw more, I spotted the tiny copyright mark in the upper left corner. Copyright 1978 to... what is this? Copyright belongs to a... PAWS Incorporated... I use the local library and mail services to track down the information I was looking for... Jim Davis, a cartoonist, had created a comic strip about a cat, Garfield... and a man, Jon Arbuckle. Well, from that point on, I made sure I read the Garfield comic strips, though as I read each one, as each day passed... the strips seemed to resonate with me less and less... I sent letters to PAWS Incorporated, long letters, pages upon pages... asking if Mister Jim Davis could somehow publish just the one comic, over and over again... "It would be meditative," I wrote, "the strength of that." Could you imagine? But... no response... The strips lost their power, and eventually I stopped reading, but... I did not want my perceptions diluted, so I vowed to read the pipe strip over and over again... That is what I call it, "The Pipe Strip." The Pipe Strip. Everything about it is perfect. I can only describe it as a miracle creation, something came together... the elements aligned... It is like the comets, the cosmic orchestra that is up there over your head... The immense, enormous void is working all for one thing, to tell you one thing... Gas and rock, and purity, and nothing. I will say this... When I see the pipe strip... and I mean every single time I look at the lines, the colors, the shapes that make up the three panel comic... I see perfection. Do I find perfection in many things? Some things, I would say... Some things are perfect... and this is one of them. I can look at the little tuft of hair on Jon Arbuckle's head... it is the perfect shade... The purple pipe in Garfield's mouth... How could a mere mortal even MAKE this? I have a theory, about Jim Davis... After copious research and, yes, of course, now we have the internet, and this information is all readily available, but... Jim Davis, he used his life experiences to influence his comic... Like I mentioned before, none of them seem to have the weight of the pipe strip... But you have to wonder about the man who is able to even, just once, create the perfect form, a literally flawless execution of art, brilliance! Just as in a ward... I think there is a spiritual element at work... I've seen my share of bad times and... when you have something... Well, it's just... emotions, and neurons in your brain, but... something tells you that it's the truth... Truth's radiant light. Garfield, the cat? Neurons in my brain, it's... it's harmony, you see? It... Jon and Garfield, it's truly harmony, like a... continuous, looping, everlasting harmony... The lavender chair, the brown end table, the salmon-colored wall, the fore's green carpeting, Garfield is hunched, perched... perhaps with the pipe stuck firmly between his jowls... His tail curls around. It's more than shapes too, because... I... Okay, stay with me... I've done this experiment several times. You take the strip. You trace only the basic elements. You can do anything, you can simplify the shapes down to just... blobs, just outlines, but it still makes sense... You can replace the blobs with magazine cutouts of other things, replace Jon Arbuckle with a... car parked in a driveway sideways, cut that out of a magazine, stick it in... Replace him there in the second panel with a... a food processor... Okay, and then we put a picture of the planet in the third panel over Garfield... It still works. These are universal proportions. I don't know... how best to explain why it works, I've studied the pipe strip, and analyzed Jon and Garfield's proportions against several universal mathematical constants. E, Pi, the Golden Ratio, the Feigenbaum Constants, and so on... and it's surprising... scary even, how things align. You can take just... tiny pieces of the pipe strip, for instance, take Jon's elbow from the second panel... and take that, and project it back over Jon's entire shape in the second panel, and you'll see a near perfect Fibonacci sequence emerge... It's eerie to me... and it makes you wonder if you're in the presence of a deity, if there is some larger hand at work... There
👍 : 0 | 😃 : 1
プレイ時間: 435 分
This is my favorite racing game by far. The quality is amazing. All though I wish you could change the controls. But being garfield and kicking ya boy jon's behind is awesome. Ever since Garfield was a comic, that is when the REAL jesus christ was born. The correct terminology for B.C. is B.G. and now it's D.G. (During Garfield). You might think I'm a huge peanuts fan, well you'd be wrong. I actually love peanuts, but I pray to Garfield. I'm the biggest Garfield fan in the entire universe. I have yet to get the new and improved Garfield Kart. Sometimes I ponder what it would be like to only listen to the Garfield Rap, would it put me on the verge of insanity? Maybe it would just put me on the verge of eternal knowledge. This game should really add in Garfield but in a dog suit. Or him in a bear suit. I actually own a Garfield plushy in a bear suit. People who watch Rick & Morty only have an IQ of 300-400, well Garfield viewers/religious users have an IQ of 40000, that's just the LOWEST recorded known IQ level of Garfield lovers ( like myself). I'd write more but I have more Garfield to watch, bye!
👍 : 0 | 😃 : 0
プレイ時間: 946 分
Garfield Kart. Ah, Garfield Kart. Where do I begin with my beloved Garfield Kart? Well, Garfield Kart is probably the best game I've ever played (hence my playtime). Everything about it is truly incredible. From the beautifully rendered 3D graphics, to the immersive, fun gameplay, everything about this game adds up to an overall wonderful experience. Also of note is the beautiful music, which required an entire orchestra, which, I must say, was completely worth it. It adds so much to the great experience of Garfield Kart. Now, on the gameplay. It is truly innovative. The game is played using the arrow keys and various other buttons to drift and use items and whatnot. I know that playing a racing game with the arrow keys may, to some, sound like playing Dark Souls with a keyboard and mouse, but rest assured, once you try it, you'll never be able to go back to the old way of playing racing games. It really adds a lot to the experience, that you couldn't get by using a controller. Also on the topic gameplay, the characters. Each one has their own quirks and characteristics. Some, like the big G-Man himself, are more all-rounders that can do well in any vehicle or any driving style. Others, like John, are more specialized and require a lot of practice with their specific style to do well. Overall, there is a nice variety that allows so much replayability. Now, onto the graphics. They're amazing. Each character is beautifully rendered in 3D. I know some people say that graphics don't really matter, but in this game, they really make a difference. I don't think the game would be quite the same if the graphics were worse. Also, oh my god. Those female characters are HOT! Check out the Rule 34 for this game immediately (though, after this review of course). So, you may be wondering how the game runs. And, I must say, it's runs SO smoothly. Even on my rig, which is pretty cheap, I can get upwards of 200 frames. It's just optimized so incredibly well. How they did this, I have no idea, but it's truly amazing. To wrap it all up, get this game. It has beautiful graphics, fun, innovative gameplay, great music, and it all runs super well. All of that is only five dollars. ONE OF THE BEST GAMES EVER MADE. And it's only the price of sandwich from Subway, if you live in 2010. Just get it, dude. Now. Do it. NOW. You won't regret it.
👍 : 2 | 😃 : 0
プレイ時間: 41 分
fantastic!!! This has cost me less than $ 1 and has given me many hours of fun. Nice graphics, fun driving style and the cast of the obese cat series. Too bad I don't have multiplayer. Highly recommended.
👍 : 5 | 😃 : 0