Temps de jeu:
1522 minutes
Versus Squad c'est un jeu en vue du dessus, un superbe défouloir, jeu de survie avec beaucoup d'armes différentes, des powerups, gestion des munitions possible, des boss, et des capacités spéciales et perks que l'on débloque en passant des niveaux.
On dispose de deux modes: un mode de survie et d'un mode vagues, dans lequel vous ferez face à des infinie vagues d'ennemis (zombies mais plutot Mad Max style), jusqu'à votre mort.
Ramassez de l'argent pour acheter des armes, barricades, tourelles, mines terrestres, etc.
Vous pouvez jouer ou en solo, local coop ou en coop jusqu'à 4 joueurs, évidemment très sympa en multi!
Très addictif avec une bonne rejouabilité. A recommander sans hésitation!
Versus is a top-down shooter (twin-stick style) where you can move and fire in 360 degrees.
After setting up your player and starting weapons you can then set up defenses against enemy hordes, suicide bombers and lots of bosses. Defenses range from wooden barricades to concrete walls, hesco, sentry guns, weapon stations, mines etc.
Killing gives you Xp, which levels you up every minute or so which allows you to choose a new perk (like Crimsonland, Nation Red, etc.). Nice thing about this is you can discover perk combinations which affect all aspects of the game. Some perks give you increased healing, launch gatling-gun equipped drones, seekers, or make your weapons a lot more powerful like Rage Trigger + Frenzy. Combinations are seemingly endless. Perks are per-game though because this works much better for these type of leaderboard action games. It takes a minute to get used to that.
The game is played in modes: Survival where you build your defenses first and then try to survive as long as possible against ever increasing enemy numbers or Tactical Mode where you can collect loot and build more between waves. Some of the maps are 360 degree enemy spawn maps and some are 'Breach' maps where you additionally need to protect a breach point (like a prison gate, etc.).
The most fun for me is Tactical because it's fun discovering the most effective defenses, sentry guns or weapon station placements, and then adjust them or buy new ones during the game when the enemy has nearly reached the breach point.
For achievement hunters, there is a good selection of achievements, easy to very hard but I hope they'll add a few more.
The game has a military color feel, not too much color variation here but it fits with what it's trying to do.
There's support for single player and up to 4 players online or local coop (haven't tried local coop yet).
Soundtrack is heavy, dark, bit like Doom I suppose.
Overall, if you like game such as Crimsonland, Nation Red, Yet another zombie defense, or any fast paced top down shooter, you can't go wrong here!
By the way I don't think this is supposed to be a pure 'zombie defense' game, the enemies feel more like rioters and bosses feel more like monsters, I actually like this more, lol.
👍 : 3 |
😃 : 0