423 Minuten
Given most of us know what this game is played for, my review concerns the patched version of this game. Which is basically the only version I'd even consider recommending, given if you aren't here for the H content, then this is just the wrong game for you. There simply is no point to it then.
Also, this game has some stuff that is maybe an "acquired taste" or weird, like tentacles, very very mild vore, corruption and a good bit of rape. One might ask why you buy it on steam, unless you want to announce to all your friends what weird things you are into (if they ever look up the game).
Now, considering what this game is, let's get down to reviewing this.
Story: It has one. Pretty much all that I can say about the story. It's there, it's not riddled with obvious plotholes, it's nothing incredible. This isn't the new MGQ. The story will be okish, but hardly what you play this for. Character interactions are few and it says a lot when none of the other side characters you'll ever meet have names besides stuff like maybe "Sailor A". I'm not going to give this any points for story and won't say you should purchase it for that. Anyone who says they played this game to its conclusion for the engaging story is just lying to you.
Gameplay: Not exactly original, but I saw worse. I also saw better. If you are into these RPG Maker titles, there's better games for gameplay, but hey, you get things spiced up every now and then with an H scene. I found the gameplay not too grindy though, which I guess is all you'd want of this game.
Soundtrack: It's an RPG Maker title by some small indie dev in Japan or so, expect some of the songs you likely heart already elsewhere if you played any decent amount of these games. Overall, it was nothing bad though.
Art (and mature content): Well, last, but certainly not least, the main reason I'd ever recommend picking this game up. The art is done by Kutan, so people for whom this rings bells should know what they are in for. I'd say, it certainly is solid for what it is and if you are into the fetishes this game caters to, you certainly are in for a treat. Obviously, I cannot account for other people's preferences, but I'd think that in general, Kutan did a great job here. Sadly though, the art basically carries this whole game, because the H scenes are basically all that is in any way noteworthy. Now, as to what to expect:
-every normal enemy has two H scenes. There's a handful of them, so you get a bit of variety. There's more than just tentacles, but it gets repetitive after a while, as you basically don't see much difference in their execution. Apart from "abridged version" (which is a godsent, as you really don't want to sit through it every time in full length), there's maybe one line or two difference in how it plays out.
-H scenes can be initiated by enemies in battle even before Marle is defeated. This means, if you want to avoid getting into these situations, you better play the unpatched version or you are hardly going to get out of it. On normal difficulty it also can lead to getting basically stunlocked down due to this. It's annoying, but not unmanageable though. Given fights on normal difficulty can drag on, expect Marle to sometimes get unwanted action if you get unlucky and after 1-3 times you can mob up the rest of the enemy if your hp pool lasted you through the ordeal. Please use settings for abridged version of scenes found in your room.
-Expect to get silly debuff perks if you get beaten too often. Worse than any of those is the debuff perk though that makes Marle stop every so often randomly to [spoiler]relief some stress[/spoiler], which can get pretty damn annoying, can happen in battles and outside, can mess up your battle plans and the story tension and overall I find the sad music accompanying the whole ordeal to be befitting for how pathetic it makes Marle seem. You can even double down though on this by [spoiler]getting infested with tentacles, making you stop twice as often now.[/spoiler]
-There are just a few H scenes out of dungeons. Not a lot. Really not a lot.
Overall, I'm going to give this game a passing grade, but to anyone looking to buy this game, I'd recommend first looking at other titles. Marle, for what it is, is ok. It's just, there are games that do the whole thing better imo, be it by offering the same quality of stimulating eyecandy for a bit less repetitive effort or by offering a more engaging storyline or actual gameplay (not going to drop names, because guidelines say no advertising, but just go and look over the rest of the publisher's titles). This competition leaves Marle a bit wanting, as unless you already got all the others or you really like that art by Kutan, there are just games that are a tiny bit better.
On the other hand, if you played stuff like Seed of Evil and want more tentacle action akin to that, look no further, this game has you covered. Personally, I liked SoE, I didn't mind this game, though I dunno why I was mad enough to buy it on steam and show it off to my friends. But hey, now you get a review thanks to that...
👍 : 3 |
😃 : 0