Odyssey: The Deep Space Expedition Erfolge

Odyssey is a story driven space adventure audiovisual single/multiplayer game. Find a planet that could support life, but in order to get there you have to protect the exploration ship. The scientists hope to preserve parts of the Earth’s biodiversity. Humanity is counting on you.

Odyssey: The Deep Space Expedition Steam-Erfolge

Odyssey: The Deep Space Expedition bietet Spielern eine Vielzahl von Herausforderungen mit insgesamt 41 freischaltbaren Errungenschaften. Diese Errungenschaften erstrecken sich über verschiedene Spielaktivitäten und fördern Erkundung, Geschicklichkeitsentwicklung und strategisches Können. Das Freischalten dieser Errungenschaften bietet nicht nur eine lohnende Erfahrung, sondern auch eine tiefere Auseinandersetzung mit den Inhalten des Spiels.

Great Job Explorer!

You have finished the game successfully!


Go around the Lobby and explore

Space Story listerner

Listen to a story speaker

Human Space Flight

Go through the gate to start a game

Botanical magic

Going through the gate tunnel

Game starter panther

Starting the game single/multiplayer

Cannoneer Jack Incredible

Getting to the cannon 1

Cannoneer Jack Most Splendid

Getting to the cannon 2

Cannoneer Jack Wingman

Getting to the cannon 3

The Pilot Magic

Controlling the ship

Brave Spacewalker

Going to the spacewalk

At ease

Win one game once

Champion Master

Win 10 Games in any game mode

Super fast

Winning the game with a high score

Fireman detected!

Fires extinguished inside the ship

Asteroid watcher

See a big asteroid coming outside of the spaceship

Toolmaster Vanguard

Finding the right tool


Accumulate one mile of distance outside the spaceship

Hatch Handle Detector Master!

Using the airlock/hatch

Space fixer

Fixing the engline nozzles

Music Listener Major Tom

Listening to a epic sounds outside the spaceship

Far away!

Traveling far from the spaship in space

Co-worker condidate

Completed the game with other players

Art Lurker

Looking at the art in the Spaceship

Getting to the next level!

Getting to the second floor of the spaceship

I'm in the cockpit Kid!

Visiting the cockpit with or without the kid

I'm the winner winner winner winner winner

Win 5 Games

Rocking the boat

Getting Enough Asteroid hits to the spaceship

Asteroid Survivor Geologist

Surviving from the first Asteroid storm

Ultra Asteroid Survivor!

Surviving from the socond asteroid Storm

Mega Score lurker

Looking at the end score screen and the credits

Botanical innovator

Getting to the 1st greenhouse

Botnical Expert

Spending time in the second Greenhouse downstairs

Narrow legged benzin master

Running out of health and the game ends

Gimme some more air, plz!

Running low On Health

Asteroid Destroyer Candidate

Destroying one Asteroid!

Asteroid Destroyer Dominator

Destroying 10 Asteroids!

Asteroid Destroyer Machine!

Destroying 50 Asteroids!

Asteroid Destroyer Storm Inhaler!

Destroying 100 Asteroids!!

Elevator Personnel

Getting To the Elevator and actually using it

Win 100 Games!

Winning 100 games! Great!

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