49276 Minuten
--Devs dont care about the community,everything is fine if the cash shop gets new updates(game isnt p2w in my opinion)
--Extremly slow bug fixes(some of them are gamebreaking)
--No Endgame
--Some classes have no synergy at all
--Most of the skills got an 30seconds-1minute cooldown in an Arpg based combat system
--No real Pvp
-+Interesting class system
-+Beautifull Visuals and Music
Wall of text:
I remember the day my mother and i were going to town for shopping,i was around 11 or 12 years old.
Here in germany we had these Game magazines that came with a free CD.
One of these CD`s had a 7 days trial for the game ragnarok online.
I came home,installed the client and experienced my first mmo,and oh boy i was hooked!
The fact that you could play with so much other people's online in a game together just stunned my little childish brain.
I played ragnarok for like 12~ years,had my own pvp focus privat server with heavy custom balance etc bla bla.
Sadly ragnarok was slowly dying,so was the privat server community.
And then ToS got announced,jesus i was so hyped when i saw the first trailer,all the good memories came back.
The graphics,the music,the billion type of class choices!
Well... here we are today,i tried to like the game,i gave it so much chance,sadly it failed.
-The publisher behind the game sadly just gives a huge fuck about what the community wants
-They need weeks-months for simple but game breaking bugs to fix
-The game was laggy had server problems and was badly optimized,but at least the cash shop was working fine
-The game is focused on an Arpg fighting system,most of the skills have such an huge cooldown that you are running in circles for 30 seconds once you have blown out the full rotation,this makes the "fast" combat system sluggish and extremely boring,otherwise some classes have broken skills with a low cd,until these flavors of the month snowflakes get nerfed into the ground
-The most classes somehow have such a bad synergy,or don't have any synergy at all.
For example: Theres an Archer class called Rogue,that class has a skill called "backstab",you use your offhand to stab the enemy in the back,this made the class a bit melee focused.
Also theres the Archer class called Hackapelle,this class rides a mount and is focusing on melee skills,now if you use the rogue backstab skill it unmounts you,so you cant use the hackapell skills because you have to be mounted.In the end rogue is just a complete gimped class without any real synergy,since every other Archer class doesn't wants to be in melee radius.Also the most archer skills dont work for a Hackapelle,since its A unmounts you or B dosnt work at all.And yeah things like that are happening in other skill trees too.
-Theres no real endgame,all what you are going to do is log in into the game,do your daily dungeon runs,get the 1-2 crafting materials that you need for your weapon upgrade,log in to the next character and repeat the progress.
-The storyline is completely the same for every character,so are the leveling and grinding spots this makes creating a new character really dull since you just repeat the same quests and areas
-Also while we are at the endgame actually,the pvp system just sucks,firstly it's time based,since you can only do pvp 2-3 hours a day on totally strange times.The balance just doesn't work sure i can't blame them here,perfectly balancing 72+classes is pretty hard,but you could nerf the 5 "op" classes or buff the other classes a bit in comparison instead of ignoring that part completely
-Why the hell do i also have to buff myself every 30 seconds again?Why cant i have buffs that last 5-10 minutes?Instead of pressing 3 keys every 30 seconds again,this just breaks the flow of the game
-Also inactive people are getting so much love while active players pretty much getting nothing.
If you are inactive you get exp boosts,equipment that lasts for 30 days,dungeon resets etc.
If you are active you just get nothing sounds great hu?Its just better to check the game every month for 1-2 hours instead trying to play it actively.
These are some points that are negative for me
Also there are positive things
-The Visuals and the soundtracks are amazing,pretty unique,they don't look like your monthly wow killer 0815 mmorpg.
-The class system is amazing(if the synergy is given),and there are some really unique classes,that you don't see in other mmorpgs.
For example : Fencer that is fighting with rapiers,or Murmillos that are like gladiators from the 300 movie.
Schwarzerreiter,that is fighting with pistols while they are mounted.Bulletmarker that is wielding dual pistols,and so on.
If you wanna kill some time,or looking for a beautiful adventure(for the first character since with every new character the story repeats)ToS probably could be something for you but don't expect your next mmorpg that you will sink years in
👍 : 11 |
😃 : 1