Jagged Alliance 2 Gold Bewertungen

Der Kleinstaat Arulco ist einem gnadenlosen Diktator in die Hände gefallen. Nur Sie können das Land befreien! 'Jagged Alliance 2 Gold Pack' entführt Sie in ein facettenreiches Rollenspiel-Universum. Interagieren Sie mit 150 Figuren, rekrutieren Sie Ihren eigenen Soldatentrupp, und schaffen Sie eigene Söldner, um Arulco damit...
Herausgeber Strategy First
Kategorien Einzelspieler
Genres Strategie
Datum der Veröffentlichung6 Jul, 2006
Plattformen Windows
Unterstützte Sprachen English

Jagged Alliance 2 Gold
1 Gesamtbewertungen
1 Positive Bewertungen
0 Negative Bewertungen
Negativ Bewertung

Jagged Alliance 2 Gold hat insgesamt 1 Bewertungen erhalten, davon 1 positive und 0 negative Bewertungen, was zu einer Gesamtbewertung von „Negativ“ führt.

Neueste Steam-Bewertungen

Dieser Abschnitt zeigt die 10 neuesten Steam-Bewertungen für das Spiel und präsentiert eine Mischung aus Spielerfahrungen und Meinungen. Jede Bewertungsübersicht enthält die gesamte Spielzeit sowie die Anzahl der positiven und negativen Reaktionen, wodurch das Feedback der Community klar dargestellt wird.

Spielzeit: 15239 Minuten
Short Story: It is still worth 30 Bucks. Consider it an "Indie Retro Game". Before the "Long Story" - there is a need for adapting the Game. Go to the Folder and rename the Intro.slf to anything else - I did name it REMIntro.slf for I am an old BBASIC Fartbrain. Also, rightclick the .exe and use Compatibility Mode for XP (SP2). Done, Game runs. Yet, do not Tab out or use WinKey - if you do, Game crashes and you need to do STRG-ALT-Entf and choose to close Win (you do not to restart, just "change User" is enough). Then resatrt. So, Save often - the Shortcut for Quicksave and Load is ALT-S and ALT-L. Get used to the Hotkeys - really. like, Z(Y) for sneaking and C for "Crawl" and R for Run. PgeUp and PgeDown are changing the stance as well. TAB changes the Layer you aim at forth and back. Thats it. Have fun. Long Story? Well, I plyed it, replayed it, rereplayed it. and replayed it. again. andf again. and again. and I will do so on. Played it normal, hard, with and without exploits (of which the most do not work anymore here) and loved every Minute of it. This is one of the best Games ever. An absolute Masterpiece. Period. It is awesome en Detail. The thousands of possibilities you have in stealth alone are insane and are fully MGS-Style. The Group Compositions, the combination of Tactics and Strategy making it kinda of a 3x-RPG. The crude Humor, the ways of finding a Workaround for an impossible Problem one face that seems "totally unbalanced and unfair" - it isnt. You can keep up the upper hand in every Combat Encounter as soon as the Game starts (after the Tutorial Maps aka you got Ira). Sure, your first Decisions matter, the Timing is essential to work. Positioning is elementary. Good Weapons as well - and this means not "hightech-perfect Stats-Guns" (even though they are for sure nice) or "Guns with insane high Damage Stats" - it means "the right Tool for the Job". Without to Spoiler too much - the most done mistake is to not consider the different Ammo Types having some realisticly specific Effects. And some "disadvantages" can be used to ones advantage in some specific Circumstances. This is your Skill in playing that Game that decides if you are just fail and suck or if you wipe the Floor with the Enemys regulary - but not always. Because, Enemys are randomly Created - not every Redshirt has the same Stats. Guns, Stats, Feats, HP - every one of thoose Enemy NPC-Soldiers is individual. Some may be a Hunk and a Sniper yet Panic easily. Others may wield a Heavy Machine Gun - but have no Strengh for Recoil nor any HP to Tank, yrt sporting Heavy Armor. Sometimes you encounter a simple Gonk-Group sporting a Setup of Roles that is like Garlic to Vampires to your Team. Other Time you meet the Elite Guards that suck ass due to failrolls for Stats. You train by doing something - and as more you learn, as higher your Level gets. Level is not "for learning", level comes along with Learning - and Level does a lot as it decides as well many Things as Initiative and a Chars resolve. If you enjoyed Tactical Games like XCom and such - this one is absoluteley for you. There is no "Building a Base and research Tech alike in X-Com, for sure. But this one has a huge RPG-Part coming with it. And the Micromanagement for Equip and such... well, consider playing XCom without having a Base rather than robbing and steealing from the Aliens to get by while getting some basic funding for the Stuff you order via Web of buy off of Locals. Is it hard? For sure it is. Steep learning curve at the beginning until one has the gist of it. Then, it works pretty fine. But then, over Time, you find the more and more Details "How to do shit for real". Until you end up finishing the Game with an Army of Mercs of which many of them best operate on opposite sides of the Country you are in. And then with only your 'Merc alone - a full John Rambo Solorun. One Time as Sniper, one Time as Rambo itself. You learn to deal with your Mercs having a nervous breakdown in the middle of Combat or go berserk. And you learn which other Merc can give that Merc enough emotional stability to not have one. This Game is insaneley Good - but that does not mean, it is for you. If you do not like it - fine. Yet, even with all the Bugs and such that came along with that "open World" you are thrown in - this is the best Game in its Genere. As Balkdurs Gate and Neverwinter had good Sucessors as Divinity and such - this one yet is Top Notch in Gameplay. And Yes, not even JA3, even though very much fun and so - does not come close to the Variety of this. This literally is a DOS-OpenWorld-Game - from the 1990s. Just.... play with "more Guns" and have "SciFi" active. As annoying it is, it is worth it for the "Full Experience". So: Buy it if you do not have it.
👍 : 0 | 😃 : 0
Spielzeit: 1400 Minuten
Nachdem ich mir JA3 angesehen habe bin ich zu dem Entschluss gekommen wieder das gute, alte JA2 zu spielen. Kurz: Trotz der 90er Jahre Grafik ist der Spielspaß sofort wieder zurück gewesen und auch die Erinnerungen an die einzelnen Protagonisten. Einfach herrlich. Warum macht man nicht einfach ein Grafik-Update von diesem Spiel und lässt ansonsten alles wie es ist? Es ist einfach rund und optimal so!
👍 : 0 | 😃 : 0
Spielzeit: 5336 Minuten
Ein echter Meilenstein. Leider hat es bis jetzt keinen würdigen Nachfolger gefunden. Ich hoffe so sehr auf JA3.
👍 : 1 | 😃 : 0
Spielzeit: 1761 Minuten
ich kanns garnicht in worte fassen ih spiele das spiel seit ca. 2007 und ich komme nicht von weg eines der besten strategiespiele die ich je hatte, unerreicht!
👍 : 1 | 😃 : 0
Spielzeit: 724 Minuten
Virtually unplayable nowadays, something will happen to the game, if you can even start it (yeah we all know by now to delete the intro). For me, after i load nowadays, go to another sector and instant crash without any error message
👍 : 0 | 😃 : 0
Spielzeit: 89 Minuten
Jagged Alliance 2 has been one of my favorite games for over 20 years. Great new mods like "Arulco Vacation" and "Vengeance: Reloaded" and the community patch 1.13 have kept the game alive over the last years. JA2 consists of three layers of gameplay: - Global Strategy Layer, for the liberation of the country Arulco from a ruthless dictator - Local Tactical Turn-Based Combat, in the sectors of the map with your mercenaries and IMPs - RPG and perks for mercs, RPCs, NPCs, Militia, Soldiers, Creatures, IMPs The Mercs have different personalities, traits, relationships, and weaknesses. Some like each other while others won't even work together. Although the game came out back in April 1999 the gameplay is still top notch. 2004 the source code of JA2 was published. The community patch named 1.13 has a lot of new features. -Suppression fire system -Easily customizable IMPs -Covert Ops - Prisoner system -New animations -New AI options -Food and drink system -100AP system -militia control -mobile militia -new inventory system -new LBE system (with backpacks and m.o.l.l.e.) -new weapons and equipment -build fortifications - call in air strikes with your radio operator merc -Zombies -... much more Start here for 1.13: http://thepit.ja-galaxy-forum.com/index.php?t=msg&th=24648 - You can find the current build of 1.13 here (Nov 21): https://jenkins.maeyanie.com/job/JA2%20SCI/lastBuild/ - There is a stable release called 7609 which is the basis for many mods Tips: - JA2 Vanilla Win10 fix: Delete or rename the intro.slf from the game directory to run the game on Windows 10. Under 1.13 the intro can be disabled in ja2.ini - JA2 1.13 Win10 fix: Add wine DLLs to JA2 dir. Under Windows 10 the game "stutters" with 1.13 because of technical issues. Here is how to fix that, with Wine3d and its DDRAW emulation: https://steamcommunity.com/app/215930/discussions/0/846956740704592766/?l=english - JA2.ini changes game settings. With 1.13 you can configure screen resolution, the vfs (virtual file system) of the mod to use (or vanilla). - "JA2options.ini" in the 1.1.3 'data' folder customizes the game and mod. Any option can be enabled/disabled and customized, like disabling the counter attack at Drassen, changing "StartingCash" in \Data-1.13\TableData\DifficultySettings.xml, disable the stealing of shipment stuff by Pablo and the closing of a mine, among other things. I like Miguel and his rebels to immediately join the campaign in the start or after the food quest. I don't think it makes sense to first liberate 5 cities. Have fun. JA3: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1084160/Jagged_Alliance_3/
👍 : 0 | 😃 : 0
Spielzeit: 10 Minuten
I know about the outstanding quality of the game. Although i only played it once a few years ago. Know i finally got the time to play it again, but i got stuck because of software sh.... in the first place, it would not start at all, second with the staciatella patch i got running quite easily. First start of the game. soon, looking for hotkeys online, i became enthusiastic because of mindblowing and decent ones i found. therefor i got disapointed the second time, as they didnt work out with my /this version. digging through install guides of all kind to get the propper way to play it, i lost the drive playing it: thirt disapointment. hope that some day one of the great modder patcher updater hacker i dont know, will come up with steamdeal or something similar, wich makes me click on only one two buttons to just play the actual propper way to play this wonderful state of the art turnbased rollplay game in the maybe every 10years best of way. since i would pay more than normal for it, i beleave im not the only one out there, who would join tribiuting the real "gold pack" JA2
👍 : 0 | 😃 : 0
Spielzeit: 39 Minuten
Für meinen Geschmack eines der besten Spiele aller Zeiten. Die Mischung aus RPG, Open World, Kampf und Wirtschaftselementen ist genial. Empfehlenswert ist meines Erachtens der Stratiactella Mod. Er lässt das Spiel in der Basis Version, behebt nur ein paar bugs und eine höhere Auflösung. Mit 1.13 kann man auch spielen, das verändert jedoch sehr vieles und wird schnell kompliziert in den Ini files sich die Version zurecht zu basteln die man will. Einzige Knackpunkt ist, dass die Wiederspielbarkeit nur begrenzt gegeben ist. Alle paar Jahre hole ich es raus und spiele es nochmal und mit verschiedenen Söldnern macht es immer Spaß. Jedoch wäre ein anderes Setting, ein anderer Feind als Daidranna natürlich schön. Aber das ist Jammern auf hohen Niveau. Super Spiel, super Rundenbasiertes Taktik RPG und Söldner mit Ecken und KAnten und perfekte Synchro
👍 : 0 | 😃 : 0
Spielzeit: 807 Minuten
JA2 ist ein absoluter Klassiker und ein Muss für alle, die sich für rundenbasierte Taktikkämpfe begeistern können. Mit dem bevorstehenden Release von JA3 eine gute Möglichkeit sich wieder in Stimmung zu bringen.
👍 : 0 | 😃 : 0
Spielzeit: 4134 Minuten
Es ist einfach das beste Spiel, wenn es um Rundentaktik-Games geht. Meine Spielzeit auf Steam spiegelt nicht den wahren Spielzeitwert dar. Ich habe die komplette JA-Reihe auf CD, anderen Plattformen etc. mehrfach durchgespielt. Die Liebe steckt hier immer im Detail. Die einzelnen Söldner und die Charaktere sind unfassbar genial. Seit Kampf um Metavira habe ich mich in diese Spielreihe verliebt. Das Spiel fühlt sich bei jedem neuen Start wieder neu und anders an (vorausgesetzt man nimmt mal andere Söldner mit auf die Reise). Aber selbst wenn man die altbewährten Söldner jedes mal auswählt...das Spiel ist trotzdem anders bei jedem Durchlauf. Die Waffendetails, die Zielgenauigkeiten, Terrain...einfach alles perfekt. JA2 ist mit Abstand das beste, was es auf dem Markt gibt. Zudem liebe ich die Grafik. Einfach schön und ich brauche diese X-COM Steuerung und Grafik nicht. X-COM ist auch ein sehr sehr gutes Game, keine Frage! Aber für mich isses JA2, was ich zu jeder Zeit wieder starten würde. JA Kampf um Metavira und JA Deadly Games (ebenfalls sehr zu empfehlen) Danke für dieses gute Spiel und Stück Geschichte (ich kann dieses Spiel und die Erweiterungen Empfehlen)
👍 : 0 | 😃 : 0
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