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This is the fifth DLC pack for this game and one that I feel pretty mixed on. We'll see why as I get into the characters.
[u] Alte [/u]
Alte starts out as an unassuming character with a stat line of 5 HP 0 ATK -1 DEF +1 EVD and 5 REC. This is very similar to Hime from the base game, except for having 0 ATK rather than +1. This stat line is not very impressive to say the least and leads to Alte being both kinda easy to KO and lacking in attack power. She does have a few things to make up for this. For one, Alte actually gets two passive abilities to make use of. The first passive allows her to view a random battle card from the hand of her opponent when she is in battle. This can be pretty useful for deciding if she should play her own cards or not and it synergizes with the other passive she has.
Before we can talk about the next passive, we have to go over her hyper, Self-Destruct. Self-Destruct is an interesting card that can be played in battle. Rather than giving you some kind of boost to help with battles, Self-Destruct actually requires you to get KO'd in the battle you activate it for it to have any effect. If you do activate it successfully, the opponent will be KO'd and lose half their stars, Alte will not lose any stars or give any wins, and her second passive will activate. The second passive gives Alte a permanent +1 ATK for every successful Self-Destruct, up to a max of +3 ATK.
So despite having underwhelming stats, Alte has two pretty good passives and a very scary hyper. She seems pretty good overall right? Well, when things are going well for you, then yes, Alte can be pretty strong. Unfortunately, the games where things go off without a hitch are few and far between. One thing that is apparent is that Alte is very reliant on being able to get Self-Destruct to do anything noteworthy. It also doesn't help that Self-Destruct requires reaching Norma 3 before she can use it, leaving her vulnerable to being bullied early on in the game. So let's say you do get Self-Destruct and are at a high enough Norma level to use it. You still have to get into a battle where you have a realistic chance of being KO'd and a lot of the time that can be a pain.
The most annoying part about Alte is just how inconsistent they are because of how much you have to rely on RNG for the character to work. Unless you are at 1 HP, you are pretty much always subject to getting screwed by RNG whenever you use Self-Destruct. There were so many times where I was low on health and activated Self-Destruct only to roll high enough for defense or evade to survive. Other times I would battle somebody while I was at full health so I could lower my health to have a better chance of activating Self-Destruct only to get KO'd because they rolled high and my poor DEF stat made me roll too low to survive. That's just all the things you have to consider that could happen to maybe use Self-Destruct successfully ONCE.
Even if you do activate Self-Destruct, what now? Sure, you made someone lose half their stars and got an ATK boost, but that's not going to do anything to the other two players who are free to keep collecting stars since you still have to roll to revive before you can do anything else. Unless the person you blew up was noticeably ahead of everybody else, you haven't done anything to advance your own state in the game. It really sucks that Self-Destruct is so annoying to activate for so little immediate payout.
I really want to like Alte and their silly suicidal gameplay since it's so unique, but I just can't deal with how annoying she is to actually play as. I get that luck is a big part of the game, but having to constantly put so much faith into what both I and the opponent roll so that Alte can make an impact in the game will never stop being frustrating. I seriously can't recommend you get this character unless you REALLY like her gameplay.
[u] Kyoko [/u]
Kyoko is a pretty extreme character stat wise. She has 5 HP -1 ATK +3 DEF -2 EVD and 5 REC. If there is one character you could call a "tank", it's Kyoko. Base +3 in a stat is a rare privilege only given to characters with special requirements to use them or characters that have a drawback to balance it and Kyoko falls into the latter. She cannot use the evade command whatsoever in battle. You probably weren't going to use it the majority of the time anyway with how bad it is, but it does mean that she is going to take at least 1 point of damage every time she battles.
To further aid in Kyoko's "tank" play style is her hyper, Crystal Barrier. Upon use, this hyper gives her 3 stacks of an effect that will automatically cancel any traps, battles, or drop panels at the cost of 1 stack and 1 HP. One nice thing about this hyper is that it's usable from the start of the game assuming you can pay the 20 star cost. This is a nice protection effect, but one of the main uses of it is to use the HP loss to KO yourself. The reason you would want to do this is that it will allow you to restore your HP after you revive and not lose your stars in a battle.
With that sky high DEF and a hyper that can let her take herself out, it can be pretty difficult to KO Kyoko a lot of the time. Thankfully, she does have a few weaknesses and one of them is the constant chip damage they will be forced to take from every battle. Because she can't evade at all, even -ATK characters will have no trouble constantly attacking her and whittling down her HP since Kyoko herself is not much of a threat in battle. The other noteworthy weakness is her lack of an ability to increase how quickly she gains stars. She can't usually KO anybody to make a comeback or gain stars, so if Kyoko does get KO'd in a game, it can be a struggle to get back into a winning position.
I would say that overall, Kyoko is definitely a strong character that is capable of surviving for a long time. She's not the most interesting character to play as, but she does one thing and does that thing really well. I can give her my recommendation even though she's not one of my favorites.
[u] Conclusion [/u]
I hate to say it, but this is one of the first DLC packs I could say is worth skipping. Alte is just not very fun to play with how unreliable they are and while Kyoko is a pretty solid character in their own right, I find them more boring than anything. Don't let my opinion stop you if you think you can have fun with both of them. I wish I could give this a "mixed" recommendation instead, but I'll have to settle for a negative one.
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