923 minutes
The reviews on the front page are weird.
Anyways to give a different answer. Did you love Dead Island 1? If yes than you will like Riptide as well. Riptide is essentially dlc, except a full games length. It just gives you more of DI1 and adds new things here and there. There's new weapons, new mods to create new custom weapons, there's new skills/abilities, there's a new story, new location, new sidequests, new vehicle like the boat, there's a sorta central hub area now that has survivors you have to defend from attacks to the hub, kinda tower defense-ish but not really. You can also level them up to make them better at fighting the waves. So you can lose storyline characters this way which is new. Overall like I said if you enjoyed part 1, you will enjoy Riptide, the only step backs the game has is the story and location, the location is just no where as interesting as DI1,(I havent finished the game yet but i'm over 20 hrs in, and i'm near the end) so journeying through it is boring but I do love that there's more vehicle travel and access now, so getting around the island is alot faster than part 1. The story is also uninteresting, its not bad its just not good, it doesnt develop the characters further or give any importance to them, aside again their immunity is important to a cure, which part 1 tackled already. The main characters are more like supporting characters now just their to help the plot rather than progress their story from the first one. But overall the game is still hella fun, the new content is fun and cool, part 1 is better at being a single player game than Riptide is, so Riptide is definitely played better with others more so than part 1.
Now for people who havent played Dead Island. I suggest starting with 1. Even though Riptide has the better gameplay, its just not a good enough story to keep you engaged and the story doesnt really work without experiencing part 1, since this is just an extension of part 1 hence the dlc comment.
If you've played Left 4 Dead, this game is pretty much that game but with an actual cinematic narrative and lore to discover, a quest based world to explore filled with npcs and minor vehicles. But it has the same feel with waves of zombies, or 1 on 1 encounters, and has similar variety with zombie types, it's just a tad slower a and not as frantic when it comes to big waves, but since its a persistent openworld you're always engaging zombies anyways.
If you're a zombie enthusiast the game scratches the itch.
If you love open world fps coop shooter/action games, Riptide is a safe fun choice for that experience, you'll enjoy you're time in coop and even have a few blasts.
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