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Another day another soundtrack. This time for a beautiful isometric, turn-based strategy game. It's super cool to review this soundtrack because, while playing the game, I fell in love with it. I did have problems with the game, probably cause of my experience with Fire Emblem 3 Houses right before, but I can't even compare the soundtracks. They are too dissimilar. However, I can say that this soundtrack isn't perfect. It has some flaws, but what it does have is style and flow. It keeps a consistent genre, which not every game soundtrack does. Sometimes it's overwhelming to hear the same style of song but I don't mind it. For more info lets get into the album itself.
[h1] The Songs [/h1]
[*] Power of love, Chroma Squad! (feat. Shuu Koyama) - This is such a great love letter to the Saturday morning shows that came out of Japan. It takes me back to watching Mighty Morphin Power Rangers on the weekend and loving every moment of it. The lyrics are all in Japanese and are very hilariously corny.
[*] All play and no work - This is a chiptune song, that is perfectly tuned for some of the slower moments, and menus in the game, there isn't a lot to the song per say, but its pretty relaxing.
[*] Lights, Camera, Chromatize - One of the more iconic songs you'll hear regularly in the game. It's an awesomely upbeat song with just a very chill vibe to it. Which is a great mixture. It reminds me a lot of Megaman Battle Network.
[*] "Wait, what?!" - This song sounds like it could be right out of World of Horror. It gives off a very mysterious vibe, and is played during scenes where background knowledge is provided to the player/viewer directly.
[*] My name is Cerebro - This is something I could call a sound effect, it's under a minute in length and is like the intro song for this games version of the floating head that tells the Power Rangers everything the relevantly need to know.
[*] A Little Break from Saving the Planet - This is super laid back, it's the song that plays while you are editing your load-outs in-between levels. It's very good, and sounds like it's a chiptune take on bubble pop music.
[*] You There, to the Scene! - This is a very fun and upbeat song, which obviously has not been out of place during this album so far, it plays during certain cut scenes, and features music similar to the tonal notes of Anamanaguchi.
[*] The Groove of Justice - This song kicks up the beat right at the beginning, sounding like it comes right out of the sound context of Cee Lo Green's early career. Fast-paced, and taking aspects of early synthpop.
[*] The Perfect plan - Another sound effect/sound byte, played during cut-scenes that are about planning for the next "episode," which also happens to be the next mission, which also happens to be the next part when the game, the show, and the in-world alien invasion all intersect.
[*] On to plan B - This song hilariously implicates that the perfect plan always fails and it's good to have a backup plan for the perfect plan. In this regard, we get a hyped-up song as the "backup plan," which usually requires martial arts.
[*] That's a wrap - Sound effect played as the victory chime. You get this as part of your results, it's less catchy than the Final Fantasy version of this sound effect, but it's still nice to listen to and fits the rest of the soundtrack.
[*] Hard Boiled - This is a neat little boss theme, a lot of the bosses in this game take on the weird niche and cheesy aspects of early super villains from both sentai shows and super hero comics.
[*] Amazing Entrance - Another less-than-a-minute sound effect, played during times when new characters make their entrance. It's upbeat and catchy, but there isn't a lot to it since it is just a sound effect.
[*] Ain't no suit - In the sense of "what does this song bring to the table?" The answer is: more of the same. It's chiptune, it's upbeat, it swells and grows (dick joke), but is very funky.
[*] Something Smells Fishy - This sound effect reminds me of Megaman Battle Network, another "sentai-inspired" game, it sounds a lot like the song that plays when whomever the "virus of the week," has their plan coming to fruition.
[*] Monster Jelly - Fast-paced sound effect, once again in relationship to the entrances of the monsters of the week.
[*] Monster jam - Now this is exactly a Jam. I believe this is a longer version of the previous song. It's got a lot to offer, it's very loud and in your face, I like it a lot. It kind of reminds me of how Fire Emblem games kind of speed up during heavy fights.
[*] United we Stand - This is a pretty neat song, it gives me a nostalgic feeling that reminds me of a lot of early 90s cartoons, especially like the old TMNT show as well as the old X-Men show.
[*] Here they come - Another disappointing sound effect (due to length). It's super fun, and sounds like a chiptune song I'd expect from an early years POGO.
[*] A Threat to us all - Extremely funky song that takes on some sound aspects of old fighting games from the Super Nintendo era and arcade era. Very good.
[*] Episode Delayed - Sound effect, it's like every other song is just a sound effect that made it onto the "original soundtrack", but the rest of the bits didn't.
[*] "This isn't even my Final form!" - Except, as soon as I say something it's nothing but sound effects, in a row, clogging up this review.
[*] Friends in Danger - And finally we are back to soundtracks, and this one is interesting as it sounds like the previous song but a full song, so I don't even know why they included the previous track. Reminds me of a Rocky-style training montage.
[*] Destroy the city, save the city - I found myself headbanging to this song, it's some sort of boss fight but it sounds just so fast and heavy that I couldn't help but groove.
[*] Apocalypse: Cancelled - Great sound effect for the start of a boss fight/boss fight conversation. This however is another sound effect that I'm just disappointed isn't a full song.
[*] Bits and Pieces - Adequately named, as even the track admits that in its title. It's just a sound bite. 10 seconds, what a waste.
[*] Spoiled kid from Outer Space - Another sound effect that sounds like it's trying to imitate early hip-hop beats from 2006 when Lady Gaga was new.
[*] Dance to the Beating - Finally jumping out of the chiptune music, and into Eurobeat from the early 2000's. I didn't per say "Miss" the music, but I did at the same time.
[*] The Voidbringer - Seems like they had one of these for each of the major boss fights, which I suppose like Fire Emblem, every stage has a boss, so that is redundant. Anyway it's a sound-effect for the boss fight intro.
[*] Could this be the end? - A good final fight song, that ramps up it makes me think of G1 songs featured in Dungeons from Mabinogi, where it ramps up into a high speed kind of song.
[*] Be Brave (feat. Hitomi Go) - Okay, of the 2 songs I think that are best, this and the opening are them. It's set up like the outro to an anime or early 90s Japanese action film. It's amazing. A lot of Japanese City Pop vibes.
As it stands, at this point, I think I've established a solid way to define how I rate albums for games. First and foremost, what am I really paying for? 19 songs out of a 31-track album and 12 sound effects which means you're paying 5$ (4.99 USD) for 19 songs. Why do I define them not as songs but instead sound effects? Because the rest of the tracks are less than a minute in length, some less than 30, and one, an insulting 10 seconds. Is the album consistent? Yes, it fills a gap around the general cultural music setting of the early to late 90s. Songs that sound inspired from other popular games and shows around the time, from Megaman to Final Fantasy, to simple pieces that fit the genre of music popular in Japan. Are there songs you don't like? Can't think of any in particular that made me upset, so no, I like the soundtrack. What are the complaints?
👍 : 1 |
😃 : 0