764 minutes
So Splinter Cell...yeah...coolest game-series, Ubisoft ever created/published, right!?
You know, they say, there's a "black sheep" along each family?
This is the - mostly - rotten to the bone offspring, of a very great game-series, by a very experienced and - at least in theory - capable game-studio and developer.
I bought it on discount, because when playing Blacklist i noticed some "flashbacks", that seemed unfamiliar...and when i tried to remember, which ones i already had played, this one didn't seem familiar.
The game:
With nowaday's technology, the game can be played halfway with full details (but even then, some settings still cause frames dropping like heck, which though might also be an issue of the operating system and new hardware unknown to the game (shouldn't bother, because proper games are downwards compatible, but o.k.).
It didn't crash - though accessing some content, closes the game, tries to reach uplay-servers (which have been shut down) and then automatically restarts the game.
The controls often didn't work correctly and got you stuck/let you die in very decisive moments, which can turn into a pain in the neck, especially, when you're trying for some of the ingame-achievements, to unlock the scores, needed to upgrade your stuff.
With not even 11 hours of ingame-content on "realistic" (not sure, where it is realistic, when early enemies, have wallhack, aimbot, wall-piercing bullets and don't get hit by your frag-grenade, but the rest of the shockwave, reaching Sam, kills him instantly, but o.k. - we all define "reality" differently...and the programmers seemingly have a surreal "Skynet"-reality as a reference) the game is pretty short and - as noticed by others - barely feels like Splinter Cell at all.
You'd consider this a cashgrab after some good games and before the awesome finale, just to keep fans busy, while put on hold. The wait (for Blacklist) was worth it, this game though puts shame onto the series. It's more a 3rd-person-shooter with stealth-elements, than a successor of the great stealth-game.
The story:
Supposed to be the last but one episode of an awesome game-series, the story among Sam Fisher continues in a very uncommon way.
It filled the gap of knowledge, i had, when Sam encountered Kobin in Blacklist and they were talking about good old times (this game's content).
To not spoil too much:
Sam is being contacted by Grim from 3rd Echelon, requesting his support and baiting him with knowledge about his - said to be dead -daughter, so he plays along.
Now it's up to you, to play him and save the day.
- didn't crash;
- halfway nice visuals on high details, referring to the age of the game;
- needs "Ubisoft Connect", even for single-player-offline-gaming but doesn't even offer Steam-achievements;
- servers have been shut down, so no coop-multiplayer (except for LAN);
- stuttering and frame-dropping on high details, even with more than 3GB VGA-RAM (512MB recommended);
- controls sometimes not working properly;
- difficulty "realistic" is totally unrealistic...should be more named "nightmare-like";
So yeah, this is Ubisoft's adoptive step-child to a great game-family and fans of the series totally can feel that.
Buy it for a handfull of bucks, if you want to know, how the complete series went, else spare yourselves time and pain.
Instead of this game, you just as well can play "The Division" and "The Division 2"...similar gameplay, better story, missions etc., maybe this one was like a hidden "beta" for some approaches, that were used in these 2 games.
Referring to Splinter Cell, i'm glad, they created Blacklist, that one truely gave Sam's story credit and really was a gem among the series, though other comments mention, even there content/servers have been cut down meanwhile.
Many players request people to boycott Ubisoft for their game-politics among the past years.
I'm not sure, that this would justify, to not play a game, that is good and likable.
This one doesn't belong to the good ones, so it's up to you.
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