389 minutes
How to describe this game..
It's pretty good. I can say that much. Viper is gonna be a huge Filter, I eased through the game until him and he gave me a true ass kicking.
I'll just point out some things and what i've experienced vs my thoughts.
[h1]1. Level Design. [/h1]
It's mission based, So you aren't really lost per se, of course its up to you to explore the levels and find all the things. A game you can compare this to would be Nioh. To be honest I kind of like it like this a lot more. Too many games are trying to be Open World without making it feel worth it.
[h1]2. Consumables and Aid[/h1]
Items to upgrade your healing capacity seem to be pretty far and few between? I think im about past halfway through chapter 4 and I've only found a single upgrade, giving me a healing capacity of 4 totals heals, which isn't a lot. it seems each one of the heals gives you around 50% ish hp which adversely is quite a lot, which can be upgraded further with healing recieved stat on gear and items.
I'm not sure if using these consumables are really worth the time to pop them and the cost to restock them. Continuing to wait for the day a souls-game releases where consumables are refreshed at checkpoints.
[h1]3. Gear upgrading[/h1]
Levelled and RNG gear. a Classic of RPGs, you can get gear that is either godly or Scheiße. I dont even see what the point of the non-set gear is personally, the stat upgrades from set bonuses seem way too good to pass over.
[h1]4. Low weapon variety.[/h1]
Basically, you only have Dual Wield (Which is depicted as a sword and axe), Spear and Greatsword weapon options. To be honest they all are pretty good and have their own certain niches to fulfill with fighting. I was stuck on Viper for a while while using the spear, but when I played more defensively with a greatsword, I overcame him after a few more attempts!
[h1]5. Levelling.[/h1]
I'm not entirely too sure if investing in stats other than HP and Stamina is overly worth it, to be honest, the damage numbers are really low, each point of STR adds like 3 damage to a greatsword, which each swing already does like 300-400, but one point of HP adds 50 health? Seems to be a way bigger return on the investment, i think? I've yet to reach a softcap or a diminishing return at 22 HP stat.
[h1]5. Skills.[/h1]
Aside from genuine playerskill, there is the alternative levelling, which is gaining skillpoints by just playing the game. This is similar to Nioh where you would play with a specific weapon and earn skill points in that category, however in this game, the skillpoints are universal, and there is also a "Common" skill tree which affects you universally. In particular within this tree is the "Reflection" skill.
"Reflection" acts as another type of parry, but it's honestly more of an offensive type of parry, It's timing window is extremely strict, far more stricter than standard parrying, which is called a "Brink Block", but by god is the pay off worth it for skillful use of it. If you can [b]Master Reflection[/b], you will have [b]beaten[/b] this game.
Another great thing is that you can freely redistribute used Skill points into other skills for free. So you can flow between weapons that you are currently using, or adapt your current playstyle.
[h1]6. Visuals and Audio.[/h1]
Game looks stunning, the graphics contain just the right amount of effects, colour, and the audio is great too. It's also done in anime style, so it's easy on the eyes too.
[h1]7. Animations.[/h1]
The animations are overall pretty good too, though there are sometimes where you will go "???" as you get hit by something, or certain enemy attacks are just.. wild.. to look at.
[h1]8. Combat Balance.[/h1]
The game feels well balanced in a lot of respects, The minions are weak, and die quickly, but will give you a run for your money in a group, just as it should be. bigger and elite enemies will kick your ass a bit, until you get used to them, but eventually they too will pass as fodder. Bosses on the other hand, can be a test of patience and temper.
At Chapter 3 it feels like bosses get more and more chunkier hp values. It kind of feels like the game developers expect you to farm 20-30 levels before each boss and to pump them all into your damage stats.
When you're bossfighting, the window of opportunity to attack between boss chains is practically nil, you can usually get maybe one or two swift attacks before you are back to brink blocking or dodging, which, by the way, if you dont do, you can't realistically win. The way to get your actual punishing window is to break enemy stance, which to do that you basically have to do [b]A LOT[/b] of parrying. Think of Elden Ring and how it takes usually around 3 parries to break a bosses stance, but in this game it takes like 30. This is where Reflection comes into play, it basically instantly breaks the bosses stance and demolishes their stamina, but it's very very hard to land.
(I can't wait for the Reflection only challenge runs)
The only other window of damage opportunity, is to completely drain the enemies stamina, this will exhaust them. When they are exhausted, a small button to press will appear over them, and a timer will tick down, you can freely attack them during this time, to maximise damage, before finishing it with the brutal strike.
If I had to say so.. this game probably takes a lot of inspiration from Sekiro, so.. expect that in combat?
[h1]9. Gear's Visuals. [/h1]
obviously, the most important thing, is how good does the gear and weaponry look? It looks awesome, I'm not even gonna lie, i'm a 3D modeller myself and I feel very inspired looking at the designs of the gear you can wear and hold. It all just.. looks [b]epic![/b]
[h1] . Finishing Thoughts . [/h1]
The game is fun, it's challenging, it's anime, it's cool! I like it a lot.
[h1]9/10[/h1] ..So far.
👍 : 7 |
😃 : 0