The Adventures of LinShanHai - Chapter5:Three Trees Reviews

三棵树案件:报案人称自家孩子放学没回家,至今不知去向。由于学校到家需要经过一片树林,家长怀疑孩子在树林中走失。 在精美逼真的3D场景中,只需要使用鼠标操作。全新探案玩法,玩家首先需要在案发现场搜证线索,认真的分析每条线索,透过分析和关联,解锁新场景,破解案件真相。
App ID2424820
App TypeGAME
Publishers QZQ Studio
Categories Single-player, Steam Cloud
Genres Indie, Adventure
Release Date2 Jun, 2023
Platforms Windows

The Adventures of LinShanHai - Chapter5:Three Trees
9 Total Reviews
6 Positive Reviews
3 Negative Reviews
Mixed Score

The Adventures of LinShanHai - Chapter5:Three Trees has garnered a total of 9 reviews, with 6 positive reviews and 3 negative reviews, resulting in a ‘Mixed’ overall score.

Reviews Chart

Chart above illustrates the trend of feedback for The Adventures of LinShanHai - Chapter5:Three Trees over time, showcasing the dynamic changes in player opinions as new updates and features have been introduced. This visual representation helps to understand the game's reception and how it has evolved.

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