6246 minutes
[h1]Insane rollercoaster, not even sure where to begin.[/h1]
Firstly the amount of content in the game is insanely overwhelming. At the start of the game you would think: okay so the game takes place in this Kenabres city. And after Act 1 you're hit with a big ass map and countless amount of locations (though, some of them are quite Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V-ish). And once you reach Act 3 you're like: damn, this game never cease to amaze. I was geniunly surprised how the game changed its pace, not letting me stay in my comfort zone.
Character creation is so variable to the point that I remember spending over 3 hours just reading about the classes and their abilities. [spoiler]Later in the game you can become one of these extremely OP godlike entities which takes the game to a whole new level. To my memory, it is something that has never been done before in any RPG (usually, in this "chosen" trope the writers choose the origin of the protagonist, but in WotR you choose the origin for yourself and there are about 10 Mythic Paths you can choose from). You can literally become a freaking dragon in this game and have a full gameplay experience as a dragon.[/spoiler]
The compainos feel real, they have their own agenda, alignments, their own thoughts about your decisions, their own secrets. Some of the characters might be too archetypical (Woljf, Greybor, Seelah), but that doesn't make them less charming. This game intoduced me to Regill, one of the best and most badass character ever. [spoiler]If you adopted a Lich Mythical Path then some of your enemies can become your puppet-compaions. However, they are not just mindless undead, they still provide interesting commentary from their "undead-foe-willing-to-cooperate" point of view, which I fould extremely amusing. [/spoiler]
The dialogues are extremely well-written. The game gives you plenty of dialogue choices and decisions, while staying away from the primitive good/bad options. I mean, they are there but, there are also "grey" options. Some provoke reflections on morality as a social construct, not being subject to cosmic balance. Some made for shits and giggles. I also liked the "Morrowind feature", where you can read about lore-related stuff that was mentioned in the dialogues simply by clickning on the highlighted word. It spares the game from unecessary question dialouges that are so common in CRPG games (which are basically a giant exposition dump). I always hated dilogues that contained questions about the basic principles of the universe/lore as if your character is senile and doesn't know these things.
I also liked the fact that you can avoid torturing yourself with long turn-based combat battles and switch to real-time fights with tactical pause, like in Pillars of Eternity or Dragon Age Origins. Not saying that the turn-based combat is trash, I just enjoy following the story more.
The amount of choices you can make in this game still amazes me. From minor choices of cheering somebody up or bully them into Abyss to the timeline-altering choices as a Commander of the Crusade. Your decisions MATTER in this game, each time you make a choice you make an impact on the world and the people in it, and it shows.
This game have a [b]HUGE[/b] replayability. I just finished my first run of 100 hours and I feel that I barely scratched the surface.
[h2]Now the things that disappointed:[/h2]
1. The thing that caused the biggest butthurt for me is the Crusade Mode. This goddamn thing is just straight up broken. I'm sorry, there is no way around it. At first I was having fun creating my own army and battelling demons in this sort of Heroes of Might and Magic mechanics. But ffs, the morale system is just trash, it PUNISHES YOU FOR BEING A SUCCESSFUL GENERAL Like what? In Act 3, I was so invested in this mode that I managed to defeat every demon army and capture every fortress. After that, the morale simply starts to decrease because you no longer have any demon armies to kill and no fortresses to capture. WTF is this? Why is it decreasing? Occasianally a demon army will spawn, however, that doesn't impact the morale in the slightest. I mean sure, if there are enemies on the battlefield it is only logical that in order to keep the morale high you need to battle enemies and defeat them. However, wtf am I supposed to do if there are no enemies and I defeated them all? I feel like I'm LITERALLY the lyrical protagonist for the Dj Khaleed's album Suffering from Success.
[Spoiler]Moreover, in the late Act 5, after you defeated literally EVERY demon army/captured every fortress. WHY ARE THE DEMONS KEEP SPAWNING? Like fr I don't undertand, it just distracts you from the main gameplay. And while yes, you can put the Crusader Mode on autopilot in the game settings, I think that is a bad decision as you will be excluding a great portion of gameplay from your run.[/spoiler]
Also, CASTER GENERALS. They are OP to an insane point, once you unlock fireball it's over. I have won every single fight with the most trash fighters using only fireball.
2. The game has a weird economy system. I finished my run with over 1 million of gold in my pockets. You know why? Because there is no point in spending it. You always find the best loot in dungeons or get it from bosses. The main source of my spendigs was the Crusade Mode when I needed extra resources for buying mercs.
3. Puzzles. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good puzzle, but this game? I have only one sentence for you: Nameless Ruins – NEVER AGAIN. Dunno, maybe I'm just stupid, but puzzles in this game are unnecessarily difficult to the point that you cannot help but look up solutions for it on the web.
4. As I mentioned, some of the locations feel very copypasted and feels like they were added for the sake of "this one interaction with this particular character". Odd, but understandable.
5. Some classes in the game are just useless and weak and it is no secret. [spoiler]The Assassin class was a big disappointment for me.[/spoiler]
6. The fights can be incredibly challenging if you play on medium or higher difficulty. I love a good challenge, I finished plenty of CRPG games on high difficulty, however, WotR was too much for me.
[h2]Final thoughts[/h2]
I feel like if the devs took a bit more time balancing the crusade mode, added a more detailed face-creator with lots of options for haircuts, facial features etc for your character; Voiced every character, including the narrator, and did motion captured cutscenes/dialogues, then this game would have been a freaking God Tier GOTY quadruple A type game that even Baldur's Gate 3 would look like Knack 3 in comparison. Just sayin.
👍 : 45 |
😃 : 0