Tempo de Jogo:
3590 minutos
recomendo que vocês joguem, esse jogo e bem bacana, mais depois que você da reset 3 vezes começa a ficar enjoativo, se o jogo tivesse mais coisas, pra se fazer ia ficar mt mais interessante, dps q vc fica apelão no jogo, mais nada pode lhe deter, mais enfim ja joguei antes no celular, e a minha analise foi positiva e aqui não sera diferente, recomendo pra vocês!!!
I have played the app for quite some time, so don't mind my hours on record. This game is very good, one that I personally consider incremental, though others may not. It (to my knowledge) does end, but I can't imagine reaching that point until you've played for quite a long time. Why this game is great.
And why this is probably the only mobile phone game which really deserves to be on PC.
Soda Dungeon is already a great game on App Store. It always had a great Score and Content was always coming out.
For this game to come out on Steam is a huge deal. Not only will the playerbase rise, but the developers will get more out of it. Surely, that seems like a greedy thing to do. But in the past the game always had new features and new things added.
The core mechanics never got destroyed in those updates (I'm looking at you, Robocraft). Most mobile-phone games come out on steam just to make extra money, but then leave the game behind.
I genuinely think this will not be the case with this game.
For those who never played Soda Dungeon, it's pretty much a tycoon game where you have to go into a dungeon and find money/items there to upgrade your tavern. And if you're done with that, you can just restart, like any other tycoon.
But it's special, trust me.
Pros of Soda Dungeon:
-It's F2P
-You can get everything just by playing the game
-It's AD-Free (But in my opinion you could atleast add in some non-disturbing ads. Maybe a blackboard with all the ads playing when you click on it? I dunno how this works.)
-You have to strategically think what you're gonna do when going into the dungeon.
-Placement is key! If you place your junkies in the wrong spots, they won't be as effective.
-Arena for your needs if you get bored from the monsters in the Dungeon.
-You never have to backtrack, except when you restart the game.
-MULTIPLE SAFE FILES. This is a small thing but meh.
-You can play it while in school on your mobile phone. *Hehehehe, suck on that, Mr. Dreuss* =)
-You can now play it on your PC when your handy battery runs out!
-Some people may find it boring after just a couple of runs, some find it exciting. Depends.
-If your battery runs out, you can't play it in school anymore. ;-; *Goddammit, Mr. Dreuss*
-You cannot connect with steam to have your steam save-file correspond to the mobile one. (Devs, WORK ON IT GODDAMMIT)
I have no idea what to put here. I am way to fanatical of this game. Search other reviews, they probably have cons.
This is my opinion. It's a game of love and drugs. And it's a tycoon.
<3 u devs.
-MarpleJones, The Swaglord, The Masterf*cker, The guy who is still virging FOR ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ SAKE.
PS: Don't let those soda junkies get to you, haters always hate.
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