Bloober Team SA - Wydawca gry

Nazwa Data premiery Obecni gracze Szczyt wszech czasów Ocena
The Medium The Medium Styc 2021 27 60 86.15
Layers of Fear Layers of Fear 15 Czer, 2023 22 62 76.17
Layers of Fear (2016) Layers of Fear (2016) 15 Luty, 2016 17 40 87.12
Observer: System Redux Observer: System Redux 10 List, 2020 14 35 82.93
The Medium Soundtrack The Medium Soundtrack 28 Styc, 2021 0 0
Layers of Fear VR Layers of Fear VR 10 Grud, 2019 0 3 68.71
Observer System Redux Soundtrack Observer System Redux Soundtrack 10 List, 2020 0 0
A-Men A-Men 24 Styc, 2014 0 0 49.36
BRAWL BRAWL 13 Sier, 2015 0 0 62.19
The Medium Original Soundtrack - Free Tracks The Medium Original Soundtrack - Free Tracks 31 Sier, 2020 0 0
Layers of Fear 2 (2019) Layers of Fear 2 (2019) 28 Maj, 2019 0 6 69.69
Layers of Fear Soundtrack Layers of Fear Soundtrack 15 Czer, 2023 0 0
The Art of The Medium The Art of The Medium 28 Styc, 2021 0 0
The Art of Observer System Redux The Art of Observer System Redux 10 List, 2020 0 0
A-Men 2 A-Men 2 24 Czer, 2015 0 0 48.75
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