Shiny Shoe - Twórca gier

Nazwa Data premiery Obecni gracze Szczyt wszech czasów Ocena
Monster Train Monster Train 21 Maj, 2020 825 1 173 93.78
Inkbound Inkbound 22 Maj, 2023 586 2 689 86.23
Day of the Tentacle Remastered Day of the Tentacle Remastered 21 Mar, 2016 31 35 93.07
Grim Fandango Remastered Grim Fandango Remastered 26 Styc, 2015 30 54 87.60
Full Throttle Remastered Full Throttle Remastered 18 Kw, 2017 10 16 88.40
Inkbound - Supporter Pack: The Story Begins Inkbound - Supporter Pack: The Story Begins 27 Paźd, 2023 0 0
Inkbound - Supporter Pack: Rise of the Unbound Inkbound - Supporter Pack: Rise of the Unbound 9 Kw, 2024 0 0
Monster Train: The Last Divinity DLC Monster Train: The Last Divinity DLC 25 Mar, 2021 0 0
Inkbound - Supporter Pack: The Starship of Terrors Inkbound - Supporter Pack: The Starship of Terrors 27 Paźd, 2023 0 0
Monster Train Soundtrack Monster Train Soundtrack 21 Maj, 2020 0 0
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