Crankage Games - ゲーム出版社

名称 発売日 現役選手 歴代ピーク 評価
Deported: Drain the Swamp Deported: Drain the Swamp 5 11月, 2018 0 0 75.37
Quiver Dick's Epic Book of Fairy Fails Quiver Dick's Epic Book of Fairy Fails To be announced 0 0
Metal as Phuk Metal as Phuk 13 7月, 2017 0 1 86.53
Deported 2: Build That Wall Deported 2: Build That Wall 7 12月, 2018 0 0 76.37
Quiver Dick's Terrible Tale For Terrible Parents To Read To Their Equally Terrible Children Quiver Dick's Terrible Tale For Terrible Parents To Read To Their Equally Terrible Children 26 10月, 2018 0 1 80.29
The Chronicles of Quiver Dick The Chronicles of Quiver Dick 9 7月, 2018 0 1 85.27