The 7th Guest VR
Jugadores en el juego
316 😀     21 😒
$23.99 USD

The 7th Guest VR

El icónico misterio sobrenatural The 7th Guest ha vuelto a la vida con la tecnología VR más avanzada, que ofrece una historia atmosférica como ninguna otra. Explora la inquietante mansión, resuelve desafiantes rompecabezas y descubre sus oscuros secretos.
ID de la aplicacióon2456960
Tipo de aplicaciónGAME
Desarrolladores Vertigo Games
Editores Vertigo Games
Categorías Single-player, Steam Achievements, VR Only
Géneros Adventure
Fecha de lanzamiento19 Oct, 2023

Gráficos, estadísticas y conteo de jugadores de Steam en vivo
The 7th Guest VR
10 Jugadores en el juego
45 Máximo histórico
86,18 Clasificación

The 7th Guest VR Reseñas

Paquetes relacionados
ID Nombre Precio
884255 The 7th Guest VR 23.99 $

Idiomas compatibles
French German
Simplified Chinese Japanese
English Korean
"Welcome to my house!"
“I won’t bite.” “I won’t bite.”
"I once was young."
"And what is it you want, Edward?"
"Can you give me real magic?"
"All this money!"
"Only Stauf knows the rules."
“I think that we're meant to eat the soup.” “I think that we're meant to eat the soup.”
“The mad man’s playroom!” “The mad man’s playroom!”
"Why, I do appear to be free for this dance."

Capturas de pantalla
The 7th Guest VR
The 7th Guest VR
The 7th Guest VR
The 7th Guest VR
The 7th Guest VR
The 7th Guest VR
The 7th Guest VR
The 7th Guest VR
The 7th Guest VR
The 7th Guest VR
The 7th Guest VR
The 7th Guest VR
The 7th Guest VR
The 7th Guest VR

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