3443 Minuten
It pains my heart, but I cannot recommend this VN for the full price. Not at all.
Base game: Quite good while still facing a lot of issues. I think many angles should either have been approached entirely different, left out completely or focussed on much more. But the final mix doesn't really click with me as it seems the game, going further, the devs don't know what they want their game to actually be. Romance? Hell, no! Revenge? To some extend, but not what it could AND should have been. Comedy? Mostly felt out of place. Tragedy? Well, that aspect certainly came across... As I said, that mix we got in the end shouldn't be.
Saku's route should have ended after the first final boss!
If it were for the base game only, I would recommend it. -ND-, Super Entelecheia and that last part should have been sold or provided separately.
Still, likeable heroines, great art and music.
New Division -ND-: What they did to Mitori... just why? Again, it should have gone into a different direction with NEW ideas and not reusing previous aspects and issues again.
Hishia = [spoiler]Saku's route only viewed from a different perspective and having a different ending. The rest is the same...[/spoiler] again: No new ideas? Why have her as a heroine at all if she doesn't get what she deserves, more so for Mitori?!
-Superior Entelecheia-: Skip it. Sometimes reworking a route, and in this instance a whole ending, works, sometimes it doesn't In this case it is the latter. It would have worked better if Saku's route ended after defeating the first final boss!
All's well that ends well: 1 new H-scene for 5/6 heroines, not including Sorako. it is a forced 'harem kind of ending' which doesn't make sense at all. [spoiler]Narita enters a relationship with all of them, except Sorako, but none of them are aware of it. They all think they are his only girlfriend and he is being faithful. How that is even supposed to work - I don't know, it doesn't make any sense (once again...). Once they find out about the whole thing the crowns beat Hishia and Narita to a bloody pulp. END![/spoiler] Why not make a real working harem end as all heroines realize their feelings for him and agree to all be with him together.
The whole foundation of the story and the VN is blown way over the top, handling the 'All's well that ends well' ending as a true harem ending would have given this part a lot more meaning.
There is a lot more that could be said, pointed out, focussed on in more detail.
I already presented my thoughts on the base game in a review on VNDB - here is the link [url=https://vndb.org/w4804]Review 'Hello Lady![/url]
Some thoughts of mine focus on different aspects here on Steam than on VNDB and vice versa.
Personal favourite heroine: Saku
Personal favourite route: Saku (despite that weird [spoiler]second stage of the boss fight... At least she's got a happy ending, anyway.[/spoiler]
This is the first, and hopefully last game brought to the English speaking VN community by NekoNyan that I cannot recommend.
👍 : 0 |
😃 : 0