Werewolf: The Apocalypse — The Book of Hungry Names



Werewolf: The Apocalypse — The Book of Hungry Names Steam统计与图表

应用程序 ID2402280
出版商 Choice of Games
类别 单人游戏, Steam成就, 蒸汽雲
流派 休闲, 独立, 角色扮演, 冒险
发行日期Q4 2023
平台 Windows, Mac, Linux
支持的语言 English

Werewolf: The Apocalypse — The Book of Hungry Names
7 游戏内
111 历史峰值
0,00 评级


Werewolf: The Apocalypse — The Book of Hungry Names
7 游戏内
111 历史峰值
0,00 评级

当前,Werewolf: The Apocalypse — The Book of Hungry Names 共有 7 名玩家正在游戏中。这比其历史最高 111 下降了 93.69%。

Werewolf: The Apocalypse — The Book of Hungry Names 玩家数量

Werewolf: The Apocalypse — The Book of Hungry Names 每月活跃玩家。本表显示每月与该游戏互动的平均玩家数量,提供对其持续受欢迎程度和玩家活跃度趋势的深入了解。

Month Average Players Change
2025-02 5 -37.83%
2025-01 8 +0.36%
2024-12 8 +14.86%
2024-11 7 -59.34%
2024-10 17 +100.67%
2024-09 8 -19.29%
2024-08 11 -24.18%
2024-07 14 -1.15%
2024-06 14 -79.52%
2024-05 71 0%

Werewolf: The Apocalypse — The Book of Hungry Names
4 总评论
4 正面评价
0 负面评论
差评 评分

Werewolf: The Apocalypse — The Book of Hungry Names 已收集 4 条评测,其中 4 条好评,0 条差评,总体评分为“差评”。

最新 Steam 评测

本节展示了 {name} 在 Steam 上的最新 10 条评测,反映了玩家的多种体验和观点。每条评测摘要都包括总游戏时间,以及点赞和差评的数量,清晰展现社区反馈。

游戏时间: 2899 分钟
二周目结束,实际游玩时长在35小时左右。 这本对我来说真的可以给到实打实的10分,Kyle Marquis太适合写WOD背景的故事了(夜路是我最爱的一本VTMif),从文本内容到游戏性都能提供相当沉浸式的体验,氛围极好,娱乐性和严肃性都有(作者知识储备量太强了),两周目下来完全不会觉得乏味,仍有大量未触发剧情值得探索。 鉴于我的能力写不了偏哲思型的文字,就不多赘述主线写得有多精彩,但请对wod感兴趣的朋友务必不要错过这本! 剩下的就是些乱七八糟的感想(主要是恋爱线,好爱MC和队友们): 去年买之后一直担心之前没接触过wta系列,本想着先去学一下规则书再来玩,但就一拖再拖,直到前两天打完猎人那部,和这部的联动还挺多的,终于决定开读;不过在前期通过剧情和内置词典了解各种名词和世界观设定后,后面玩起来就没有理解压力。 打完猎人那部:狼人惨得我难受…… 打完狼人这部:盖亚我想当狼人! 和猎人惨绝人寰的主角团氛围不一样,这部是pack大家庭,当然也有大量争执和困境,但感觉只要有家人在身边就特别的安心。MC非常出彩,是我几部wod相关互动小说玩下来后最喜欢的一个MC,个性很鲜明的小孩,有超级多非常有意思的对话可以选,看着MC从cub慢慢成长有一种当家长的欣慰。 至于RO的设置,这部简直是nerd男爱好者天堂,正统的高水准nerd令我眼花缭乱,两周目下来是攻略了两个男性RO(完全不同类型的nerd): Elton的nerd主要体现在文史哲艺术方面,喜欢讲解历史,喜欢收藏艺术品和书籍。不到30的他,撑起一个家,在这个除他以外由三个不到饮酒年龄的闹挺小孩和一个23岁的唯二成年人组成的pack里,Elton顶着一米九的身高,操着带口音的英伦腔,身着他的德古拉风格套装,当爹当妈又当意大利奶奶(书中原话),尽心尽力负责拉着其他所有狼(狗)的缰绳,一边被骂老古板还一边填饱大家的肚子,带来大量卷饼,也提高了团队的平均文化水平。[spoiler]还是个鳏夫。[/spoiler]当你在街边冻得要死,却被这样一个人捡走还被叫“pup”,实在是很难不一眼就爱上。 Podge的nerd则是geek、键政和技术宅(也是二次元宅)。一个看着轻浮脾气暴的红毛,实际大学才出道(指开始打扮自己),致力于生态保护的理想主义者,每天不是在外面助人为乐就是在家里修家电、种菜和自制炸弹,本质好孩子。同时还是本作《KM四处搜罗来的文化衫款式展览》的唯一指定模特(夜路自然是Julian),拥有一衣柜的神奇文化衫。而这样一个长得像多闹和四妹结合体的带点败犬和脸红属性的角色竟是MC的室友,抬头不见低头见,我是没法拒绝,所以火速二周目升华了一下室友情。打完感想就是谁来救救我,太可爱了,我永远喜欢室友vibe的恋爱线! 另外,还没写完的DLC3包含了4个RO两两随意组合的poly线,再一次倾情推荐,请不要错过如此良心的互动小说!!
👍 : 19 | 😃 : 0

Werewolf: The Apocalypse — The Book of Hungry Names Steam 成就

Werewolf: The Apocalypse — The Book of Hungry Names 为玩家提供了丰富的挑战,总共有 54 个可解锁成就。这些成就涵盖了各种游戏内活动,鼓励探索、技能发展和战略掌控。解锁这些成就不仅能带来奖励,还能加深玩家对游戏内容的互动。

No Rules Only Vibes

Never use Storyteller Mode


Spend $1,000 or more on hush money

Boxcar Hound

Reach six dots in one Attribute and three dots in two Skills

Dream of the '90s

Accidentally make swing dancing come back again even if you don't want to

Arev's Harvest
Selardi's Harvest
Tir's Harvest
Tenderness among the Tumuli

Romance Melodie

Intimacy among the Incunabula

Romance Elton

Snuggle Session at the Struggle Session

Romance Podge

Cuddle at the Concert

Romance Nin

The Unmentionables

Behold the Cow

In Cahoots

Reveal the truth to Nomi

News Quest

Keep Nomi alive

Ghost Wolf

Keep Nomi from learning too much

Silver Forest

Restore Nin's woods

Busy Town

Restore Podge's urban slum

Honored Dead

Restore Melodie's barrows

Legacy of Glory

Restore the Glory of the Broad Brook Garou

Legacy of Honor

Restore the Honor of the Broad Brook Garou

Legacy of Wisdom

Restore the Wisdom of the Broad Brook Garou

High Summoner

Summon and bind an elemental, a beast, a fairy, and a ghost

This Ain't the Summer of Love

Listen to confused old werewolves argue about Blue Öyster Cult

Mods! Mods!

Tattle on a fellow Glass Walker

Lose the Wolf

Reach Rage 0 and lose access to your powers

Unleash the Wolf

Go above Rage 5 and enter a frenzy

Suzy Creamcheese
Glory Hound

Complete the story victorious and with maximum Glory

Break the Tiger

Destroy the Answering Tiger by destroying the caern

Eat the Tiger

Unmake the Answering Tiger at Vermont Yankee

Ride the Tiger

Follow Katherine's plans for metamorphosis

Iron Wolf

Complete the entire story on Iron Wolf mode

Bubblegum Hurricane Superclear
Second Quest

Begin your second great adventure on the right footing

Top Hat and Tails

Get out of your hometown uninjured and with more than $20

One Step Ahead

Avoid ambush by the fomor of the barrow

Obsessive Investigator

Ignore shelter or comfort to investigate the mystery of Broad Brook

Party On

Stop the Cult of Fenris from ruining the Hog Throne show

Orderly Exit

Get everyone out of Hog Throne before it burns down

Cyber Wolf

Gain full access to Everlite's Computer Systems

Great Pumpkin

Entirely thwart, then bind, the Triple King

Sherlock Hound

Find vital clues by pretending to be a dog

Warder of Apes

Protect your human allies when their compound is invaded

Forest Guardian

Drive Huvud Development from the sacred forest

Rocked the Block

Protect Rosemary Street physically and spiritually

To Be Kind

Rescue a werewolf from the lies of the Answering Tiger

Breaking Glass

Destroy a werewolf who's fallen to the Answering Tiger


Rescue a fellow werewolf from an Umbral prison

Thessalonian Theurgy

Call down the Moon, or give that power to a packmate

Hand of Vidar

Slay all the Cultists of Fenris

Cheetah's Claw

Recover three caches of Red Talon artifacts

Dr. Van de Wolf, M.D.

Keep casualties below ten during the Jigsaw Plague

Sword Made of Monkeys

Wield your human allies to maximum effect in the final battle

Crown of Knowledge

Werewolf: The Apocalypse — The Book of Hungry Names 截图

查看 Werewolf: The Apocalypse — The Book of Hungry Names 的截图图库。这些图片展示了游戏中的重要时刻和画面。

Werewolf: The Apocalypse — The Book of Hungry Names 最低要求 PC 系统要求

  • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
  • OS: 7

Werewolf: The Apocalypse — The Book of Hungry Names 推荐配置 PC 系统要求

  • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system

Werewolf: The Apocalypse — The Book of Hungry Names 最低要求 MAC 系统要求

  • OS: 10.13

Werewolf: The Apocalypse — The Book of Hungry Names 具有特定的系统要求,以确保流畅的游戏体验。最低设置提供基本性能,而推荐设置旨在提供最佳的游戏体验。购买前请检查详细要求,以确保您的系统兼容。

Werewolf: The Apocalypse — The Book of Hungry Names 最新动态 & 补丁

截至目前,该游戏已发布 6 次更新,确保持续优化并新增功能,以提升玩家体验。这些更新涵盖从错误修复、游戏优化到新增内容等方面,展现了开发者对游戏长期发展的承诺。

April 26th Patch
日期: 2024-04-26 15:12:47
👍 : 23 | 👎 : 2
April 29th Patch
日期: 2024-04-29 13:41:15
👍 : 24 | 👎 : 4
May 6th Patch
日期: 2024-05-06 13:43:02
👍 : 33 | 👎 : 0
We've mostly fixed the "reset on upgrade" bug
日期: 2024-05-08 23:59:38
👍 : 36 | 👎 : 0
May 13th Patch
日期: 2024-05-13 12:49:37
👍 : 32 | 👎 : 0
