0 minutes
10/10 Pinnacle of squad-based TBS genre. One of the best games ever. Innovative combat system with interrupts (improves the XCom model), superb writing, humor, immersive strategic layer.
TLDR: If you're over 35, this game needs no introduction as it was a cult TBS/RPG game in late 1990s to early 2000s, especially in the post-USSR region and a few other countries of continental Europe including Germany. If you're below 35, think of this as XCOM but its original version from the 1990s and then vastly improved in its core combat system with turn interrupts instead of reaction shots. Plus the economy layer is different here: instead of building bases and shooting down alien ships you have a map of a fictional Latin American country (Arulco), with cities where you can train militia, and you capture regions with squads of mercenaries.
- it's like XCom, but the major improvement is that instead of reaction shots (which you don't control) there is a turn-interrupt system that wasn't tried in any other TBS game since. Here is how it works, exactly: when any solder is doing its turn, and a gets into sight of a new enemy, there is a check performed that compares their Wisdom stats, level, plus other factors, with some randomness involved. And if the enemy wins the check, the enemy gets to do its turn with this soldier (and maybe also other soldiers that also won the check). After the interrupt is completed, the original player continues his turn. Also note that the same soldier can interrupt several times during an enemy's turn, as long as this soldier has done an attack during the previous interrupt. So, an advanced tactical hint here: if you're handling an interrupt, try to shoot with each soldier once, don't just shoot many times with the same soldier
- there are tons of other nice mechanics that I rarely or never saw implemented elsewhere. E.g. 4 stances: run, walk, crouch, prone. Characters can climb on roofs of building, so the game gets 3D like XCom, with 2 levels. The soldier is the hardest to hit if he's lying on the roof. Soldiers can swim in water (if they lose stamina, they drown!). Smoke grenades affect visibility. Everything in the game is destructible (though, unlike in the original XCom, only by explosives, and bullets will only break glass windows and not much else)
- militia training system gives the game a strategic feel like you would be fighting a war. In mod 1.13 you can even take enemies as prisoners!
- interesting battles with blood cats and cave bugs
- superb writing, filled with humor. Many voiced lines for each character. These encourage you to replay the whole game, each time hiring different mercs. I found that the worst mercs are the most fun to play with. Btw the mercs who aren't from English-speaking countries make funny errors in English - so if English is not your native language and you're still learning it, see if you detect this bad grammar. Ivan Dolvich was an iconic merc, and in the 1st installment of Jagged Alliance he was speaking Russian (even in the English localization of the game) - this brings back the short positive post-Gorbachev period when Russia was actually friendly with the West. Imagine that, and I was growing up during that era
- I'd be nitpicking here but the weapons are somewhat illogically balanced: pistols have a higher action point cost to fire than rifles. This is fixed by the 1.13 mod and also in the Wildfire remake. But it's more like a game design choice and depends on what kind of balance you want in the game. There have been many variations and mods of this game, and each tries to change the game in the way that the author/dev want. So it's really up to the person's taste. The core combat system here is extremely solid and aged surprisingly well! 25 years later, it's still very fun to play.
- nothing
This was actually the first game that I played back in 2000 when I purchased my first PC. I recall months of sleepless nights I spent playing it, skipping university classes :) It was really an addiction. I don't know how much I played it. Certainly several full playthroughs and dozens of playthroughs that I didn't complete (usually would drop around Grumm and didn't do Meduna just because I didn't want the game to be won and end).
The user rating of this app is botched: people are complaining that the developer removed the 1.13 mode. Cmon folks, it takes so little effort to install it (for free!) that it's just really an idiotic complaint. Sorry for my language.
After playing Wildfire, the vanilla feels oh so easy btw. I started with just 1 character (from IMP), marksmanship 35 (intentionally), and it's fun. Ira is the hero! I love Ira. When I was getting married back in 2004, I kept saying to my fiance that one of the reasons I wanted to marry her was because her name was IRA. I kept showing her this game and saying "see, this is Ira, she has wisdom 83, so she learns fast, and you get her early, and essentially she is your main helper, just like a wife should be, and she comes for free and has no downsides (unlike Dimitri who forgets orders), see, you are the best". Well, she tolerated that back then. But we're still divorced now. I guess, she shouldn't have married me. She saw the signs! A woman must not forgive to a guy that he is a gamer! This will bite her in the long run. Sadly, no woman will ever play this game so she won't get to this valuable piece of advice from me in this review.
Thanks for reading!
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