Dirty Bomb®

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Dirty Bomb® Reviews

App ID333930
App TypeGAME
Publishers Warchest Ltd.
Categories Steam Achievements, Multi-player, PvP, Online PvP, In-App Purchases, Steam Trading Cards
Genres Action, Free to Play
Release DateJun 2015
Platforms Windows
Supported Languages Portuguese - Brazil, French, German, Russian, English

Dirty Bomb®
57 285 Total Reviews
46 574 Positive Reviews
10 711 Negative Reviews
Very Positive Score

Dirty Bomb® has garnered a total of 57 285 reviews, with 46 574 positive reviews and 10 711 negative reviews, resulting in a ‘Very Positive’ overall score.

Reviews Chart

Chart above illustrates the trend of feedback for Dirty Bomb® over time, showcasing the dynamic changes in player opinions as new updates and features have been introduced. This visual representation helps to understand the game's reception and how it has evolved.

Recent Steam Reviews

This section displays the 10 most recent Steam reviews for the game, showcasing a mix of player experiences and sentiments. Each review summary includes the total playtime along with the number of thumbs-up and thumbs-down reactions, clearly indicating the community's feedback

Playtime: 24567 minutes
If you like a fast paced objective based shooter with classes, then look no further! Dirty Bomb has Payload, Capture the flag (1 side), and repearing objectives, and depending on the map you can either have to repair, then paylord the EV and finally deliver an objective. So there's a good mix in maps with objective types. Sadly, this also means your favorite class, or Merc, might be useless on that map, like Arty in Underground, due to the map having no sky, so you can't call down a bombardment of the area. Now, it has that TF2 kind of vibe, but there's no med packs lying around, but there's ammo crates stationed in corners. And medics are very valuable! There are some balance quirks that needs tuning, but so far it's a very enjoyable experience.
👍 : 42 | 😃 : 2
Playtime: 6881 minutes
After playing this I have to say this game can be great (unless nexon makes it P2W). Going back and forth between CS and this is crazy hard when CS is more slow. Also this game takes teamwork as well so make sure u can make friends or get friends to play with. HF :)
👍 : 56 | 😃 : 4
Playtime: 5870 minutes
There's still a small community that plays this game. I haven't had trouble finding a match. Go through Server Browser. It's a good game, and completely free. They should bring it back.
👍 : 8 | 😃 : 0
Playtime: 1773 minutes
Update: I should have articulated myself better. Sorry. My nostalgic trip was to highlight all the interesting and creative things I could do in ET. When I compare that to Dirty Bomb I'm just not finding the same scope of gameplay. Obviously Dirty Bomb is a different game but I find it lacks depth and could be so much more. Splash Damage just makes these types of games so the comparison is always going to be made in my eyes. I'm a huge ET fan. It's the one game I look back the most fondly. As another review said this is what BRINK should have been and I totally agree. However it just doesn't quite capture the magic of ET. Perhaps I'm wearing rose coloured glasses... But it's the yard stick I measure ALL Splash Damage games with. I only played Covert Op (enemy in disguise) back in the day and I miss the little things I could do as that class. This is why the magic is missing for ME -> I can't be as creative as I used to be. - Capture the forward spawn at just the right time - Deny the enemy information by blowing up the command post at strategic times - Secondary means of completing the objective - Fuel Dump ;) - Satchel charge on a group of gunners - Run through the spawn to get to the objective in an unexpected manner - Open the back door and sneak key team members in (multiple vectors to complete a mission) - Fireteam chat (only communicate to key team memebers) - Spotting hidden mines - Mind games with the enemy, constantly blowing up the command post and hiding, blocking the doorway when rushing to defuse, pretend to defend an objective for a long period of time - Hiding in the bushes, spotting mines waiting to pounce - Smoke grenades (so useful) This and so much more I could do that I felt made a huge impact on the course of a round. Brutally hard to pull off but so satisfying. It appealed to my lone wolf introverted nature. In saying that... I'm going to stick with this game, hoping the new mercs bring something new to the table. Red eye and that invisible one look promising. Currently the game is fast and fun. Some rounds your team are a bunch of muppets and other times they're God's gift to gaming. Mostly it's a fairly balanced game of tug-o-war. But as it stands there are just too many variations of the same merc. Give me tools to be creative. Still recommend. (I used to play as 'Borealis' on Aussie servers if anyone remembers)
👍 : 32 | 😃 : 4
Playtime: 889 minutes
Underated. Small amount of space required. Freindly community, you DONT NEED TO PAY. Better than Loadout.
👍 : 62 | 😃 : 4
Playtime: 33164 minutes
By far my favorite FPS game on PC and one of the best i've played ever, with the added plus that it is FREEE! While it is not pay to win, it definitly requires skill and somewhat good reaction speed. It is incredibly fast paced, with battles happening across the various maps. It has a selection of 20 different mercs, with an array of abilities that include but not limited to land mines, airstrikes,and revive guns. It's devs pay close attention to their fan base and always try to respond, while keeping them up to date with every new piece added to the game. All in all, the best PC game I have played yet and it receives the highest recommendations I can give. A game worth playing :D edit:they have added even more characters and weapons, and I want my nomination task finished. Play Dirty! edit:Its feckin dead. RIP old fren
👍 : 62 | 😃 : 0
Playtime: 7265 minutes
Back in 2003, Splash Damage released a standalone freeware game known as Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. It combined the speed and movement of Quake and the hitscan and aiming mechanics of Counter-Strike into a objective-based game. The focus on team-oriented objectives created a very popular fps game that sadly had a community die off and move on. Splash Damage attempted to revive the series with with Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, but was largely unsucessful. Welcome to Dirty Bomb, the newest reincarnation of the gameplay. It feels and plays like the first legitemate sucessor to Enemy Territory. With similar team-based classes, and a much more noob-friendly interface than ET could ever muster, this game could possibly be the first game that is a legitemate competitor to CSGO in terms of competitive FPS games... as long as Nexon doesn't FUCK everything up and make the game p2w. The shooting mechanics combine that of quake and counter-strike. Players are tanky and can take 2 or 3 headshots to kill. However, similar to CS, aiming for the head is highly rewarding as most guns will kill in 8 to 10 shots (generally it takes a little less than 2 seconds to kill a player with body shots). Additionally, you're highly accurate while moving, which makes strafe shooting a viable and effective strategy. Don't let the cartoonish atmosphere fool you, however. Despite its simplistic nature, there is a lot of depth to the game in taking fights, healing with medics, and even intentionally suiciding to respawn with full ammo or to defend an objective. If you like playing competitive FPS games, give this one a fair shot. The gameplay is quite unforgiving for new players, but highly rewarding if you stick with it.
👍 : 124 | 😃 : 13
Playtime: 36836 minutes
I find DB has drifted from what I would want in a game to something I don't like. More importantly, I don't think it will improve enough to enjoy going forward, so I'm going to uninstall DB. The fundamental reason I'm going to uninstall is that the initial and early characters didn't feel too gimmicky, and they tended to work together. Since that time, they've become more and more ridiculous. Constantly putting in characters that don't really mesh together isn't helping the team aspect of the game. When you can help your team while still shooting the enemy and not need to make a decision about which to do, you have a problem. Throwing health packs, ammo, and needing to be on top of people to revive them encourages smart team play. "Don't run into the open, we can't pick you up" Sparks the medic comes out, and more fools over-extend because you can revive them now at a distance, instead of them being dead and gibbed, and they can be picked up. Not being revived is the game punishing bad play by those who over-extend. Javelin dispenses ammo even in fire-fights, so who needs to manage and plan for their ammo? Getting into long fire-fights back in 2015 used to require someone to be very good at managing ammo and position. You had to bring a support character, but that person needed excellent positioning to be able to toss that pack and hit a teammate who needs it without giving it to the enemy, and then quickly be back in the fight. The same is true of the medics. Running a combo of medic/ammo giver required great support. Automatically dispensing ammo in a circle around you doesn't force you to think about how to help your team, and you can help without actively helping. You can both help you team with a power, and shoot an enemy. This isn't encouraging teammates to help each other, it just encourages them to bunch up. Further, key abilities can be done by everyone, like repairing, planting explosives, and reviving. This dilutes the need to take certain classes at all. Further, rarely has a new character been balanced on release, which means in the the intervening time between release and patch you face a lot of people playing a broken character. In-fact, new characters were never allowed straight into ranked. They would hold them back because they knew they weren't balanced. They eventually gets nerfed, frequently too far, and the cycle repeats. This is irritating, but I also know that characters aren't balanced until you really get a lot of people playing them. I don't know why they feel so far off each time, but I suspect it is because of the aforementioned decision to keep pushing out characters that have odd abilities that need to be special to justify making a new merc. Balancing among more and more abilities also takes more and more effort - effort that could be spent making the one thing that doesn't get enough attention - maps. Maps. You need more maps. You always need more maps. More maps means more unique strategies, it means you can play a lot of matches without repeating maps (back when there were only 6 maps, I took lots of several week or several month breaks because I didn't want to play the same maps over and over). Each map should highlight a few abilities. You can get the objective done without them and successfully defend without them, but on some maps, some characters should shine without being overpowered. Each map should be able to take advantage of each merc's abilities. I know this is a tall order, but you want to be great, right? The more abilities you have, the more trouble you have where you get into a map and think, "I brought a terrible merc for this map." That should not happen, ever. Rhino is a good example. There are some maps where I will never take him, he's far too slow, and he needs to be on top of people to do damage. There are too many maps where he cannot do much, and very few maps where he can truly shine. Similarly, taking Skyhammer or Arty in Underground, is a waste of time (Skyhammer's marker does act like a grenade, but it isn't a great one). Stoker, on the other hand, dominates in Undergound because his ability is always useful. There is no need for that enormous discrepancy between characters. This removes flexibility to form and break defenses. While this is definitely a personal preference, the worst part about this game is being one-shot. I don't know why people think this is fun in an arcade-style shooter. In ARMA, SWAT, Rainbow 6, being one-shot killed is fine and I like those games, but not in a game like this. It wasn't fun 20 years ago with the rocket launchers in Quake and Unreal, it still isn't now. The wide-spread availabilty and ease-of-use of one-shot weapons in this game is killing my enjoyment (and I realize that this is a very personal complaint, hence the reason I listed it last). The fact that most people cannot use one-shot weapons well in a fast-moving arcade-style shooter doesn't make them balanced. In any game, when you balance to the average, you neglect that part of the population who will take the time needed to perfect the one-shot (or power, skill, etc.) who will still continue to dominate with over-powered weapons/abiliites, etc. This is where the accurate arcade-style shooting and movement work against you - perfecting that one-shot is 100% doable. I've met and seen plenty of people who have perfected it. For awhile, I could do it pretty well, but it felt really cheap and dirty, so I stopped. Once you master the one-shot kill, it's a joke for those who don't. Removing scope sway on snipers - terrible move, the sway at least made the one-shot kills reasonably rare but threatening. The reviver railgun of doom - terrible move. I still stuck around, despite really not liking these changes. The additional of Javelin was another change that I didn't like. What purpose does she serve? There are characters who can break-up camps, if they're not doing the job, adjust them! Instead, you put in the one-shot rocket of doom, something I was really proud of you for not putting in the game from day one. An arcade style game balanced without a rocket launcher. Ponder that. We had that. Coming back after a long break, I wanted to see how the game progressed. I see the new characters introduced, and one of them is Hunter - he has a crossbow that can one-shot people. After playing a few games against people with Hunter, I can see once again that the higher-skilled players are STILL taking the high-damage sniper rifles, and Hunter. I used to accept being one-shot as part of the game, but I just don't want to deal with it anymore. If I want to be killed in one shot while moving around a corner, I'll play the SWAT and Rainbow 6 games - realistic shooters. Not in arcade shooters. I want teamwork, but that can't be had, because not enough abilities force you to support or rely your team. I used to think that the self-healing that all mercs have was fine, but as time went on, I found myself drawn to characters that had "tough" perk because I didn't need a medic. Ammo is easy to come by, generally, and rarely do you need to go far out of the way to get it, so who needs those pesky teammates? Going to get ammo shouldn't be easy, a team game should prefer you to get it from teammates, and hence punish you by having inconvenient ammo supply locations. In case you are wondering, I don't play Overwatch. I saw enough in the videos to know that it wasn't what I was looking for. And now, very sadly, I must conclude that Dirty Bomb joins it. Finally, I apologize for mistakes - I edited this heavily to make sure my thoughts were coordinated, but I suspect there are errors still left.
👍 : 75 | 😃 : 2
Playtime: 51987 minutes
Most fun I've had with an FPS in a long time. Pretty fast-paced combat, classes aren't too gimmicky. Anyone who digs Enemy Territory or thought Brink had a ton of potential should definitely check it out
👍 : 147 | 😃 : 11
Playtime: 32796 minutes
Lets dismiss the rumor that this game is Pay 2 Win, it actually isn't anywhere close to it. If you were to personally ask me what P2W is, I'd say, "Games with weapons or unlockables (Generally ones that give you an advantage or are just overpowered) not obtainable through playing the game for free, instead using real world money to unlock it." TL;DR: Everything above Bronze in loadouts is cosmetic. Characters rotate to play for free every week. How this game works is entirely different, you get loadout cards, now while you might think, "Oh, well that must mean that everything Silver and Gold is better than things that are Bronze." This is not correct, every card above Bronze simply works as a form of cosmetic. On the other hand you have people that would say, "Getting a Bronze card would mean you have way too many advantages over players that don't." This is also not true, as the bronze cards simply give you perks on the side that give you small boosts, no gun damage, health (Except for one perk that gives you up to 30 health for dying multiple times) or other character attributes altered with cards. Now with these loadout cards, you also get different weapons. These weapons on the loadout cards will change how you play your character. By default you have good loadouts, you can destroy anybody with the basic loadouts so long as you can aim, your guns make you, not your perks. You can get a different gun for every rarity of loadout, even the worst rarities come with guns that can change how you play by alot, but for the most part all the guns are reletively balanced. Next comes the whole RNG thing that people get very angry at because they can't find good things in cases. 1000 ingame credits = 1 case, this case grants you 1 random loadout card in the game, with the higher tier rarities being lower chances of obtaining, but still possible. if you really want to go all out, you can spend 5 dollars in real world money for some random cases that are primarily used for the higher chance at getting Gold and Cobalt loadouts, but still guarenteed a Silver loadout. The crafting system is next and it's pretty simple, put in cards you don't like of the same rarity and get the next loadout rarity up, you also select any of the characters that you want a loadout specifically for. Essentially trade up contracts in CS:GO. Pretty easy to understand, gives you another chance at randomizing and it's a way of letting you get loadouts that are Silver and higher without the RNG chance, however the weapons and perks are randomized each time. With that being said, if you find that you can't be bothered to open up cases for 1000 ingame credits, you can simply save up enough to just buy a bronze loadout that you like. Next comes characters. Here's where people have whined most about the game. "6-10 Dollars for a single character in this game? What a ripoff!" And here's where I come in and say "You don't need to spend money, blah blah blah, you can play the game normally and get every character you just need to save up a bit." On top of this, there is a free character rotation every week. Just like in League of Legends, every week three characters become unlocked for the week's duration as playable characters, afterwards you need to purchase them to keep them permanently. To end this I'm simply going to put it. The game is fun, not Pay 2 Win, and it's starting to take up time I would spend playing Tf2.
👍 : 741 | 😃 : 51
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