260 minutes
As a fellow RPGMaker enthusiast I truly wanted to be able to give this game a favorable review. But for every enjoyable part, there seemed to be an unequally annoying part that made me forget it shortly after. I often felt that I was playing a contest entry NOT a published product.
Enjoyed: --------------------------------------------------
- The simple, but well thought class/job choices.
(One of my annoying list was slightly mitigated by the ability to sub-class everyone as a Cleric.)
- The availability of a multitude of items, with actual utility.
(making up for possible bad class choice in battle, and when out of mana.)
- A reasonably believable story line.
(Much less suspension of disbelief is necessary to enjoy it, unlike many JRPG stories.)
- Competent map making.
(A little boxy, but for RPGMakerXVA default tiles, the attention of variety is acceptable.)
- Market pricing.
(It is nice that the price of goods and acquisition of money are relatively painless, but not excessive.)
Annoyed: --------------------------------------------------
- Complete lack of any quest log.
(It's nearly impossible to keep track of side quests without writing them down on paper.)
- Painfully linear game play.
(Everything, including most over land map access is key-to-open, without any reason to return once completed.)
- Long winded and RAMBLING dialogue.
(To each their own, but after the third 500+ word story sequence, with dramatic pauses and area transitions to boot, I had to FORCE MYSELF to push through them without quitting. Your story is NOT bad, a little cliché but not bad. Do yourself a favor and try not to spell out every detail in WORDS. Leave some of it up to the reader to intuit from setting, animation, and music. It reduces the tedium of reading it, and respects their intelligence at the same time.)
- WTF Difficulty curve!?!
(I realize that you added a difficulty slider to the options menu, and it works, but the difficulty goes from laughable on CASUAL, to randomly deadly on NORMAL, to survival? ROFLCOPTER! on PURIST. It seems that you are using a random troop member replacement script for battles, and that results in some battles where you MUST escape, or die. Period. And if you aren't using a random replacement script, you must enjoy pissing off your customers. -- While I can accept this in a scenario where battles are visible, and I have at least a chance to 'chose' them, the default random battle mechanic makes it downright infuriating at times. Ex: The difficulty spike, in NORMAL, inside the second dungeon/cave was enough to finely make me rage quit for the day.)
- What? That was a puzzle?!?
(At least a few times, I was left to assume that I was looking for an item to 'pass' an obstacle. Neither the obstacle itself, nor the item I found that allowed me to do so, had any indication, in its description or dialogue, of its actual purpose. I either randomly returned, or hoped I was right in back tracking, to discover how they related.)
👍 : 42 |
😃 : 1