Knights of Honor

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As King, it is your duty to lead your people in their struggle to raise your kingdom from its humble beginnings to a position of power and prestige. War, diplomacy and a burgeoning economy are the means by which you increase your power and expand your influence.
App ID25830
App TypeGAME
Publishers Paradox Interactive
Categories Single-player, Multi-player
Genres Strategy
Release Date4 Feb, 2009
Platforms Windows
Supported Languages English

Knights of Honor
229 Total Reviews
221 Positive Reviews
8 Negative Reviews
Very Positive Score

Knights of Honor has garnered a total of 229 reviews, with 221 positive reviews and 8 negative reviews, resulting in a ‘Very Positive’ overall score.

Reviews Chart

Chart above illustrates the trend of feedback for Knights of Honor over time, showcasing the dynamic changes in player opinions as new updates and features have been introduced. This visual representation helps to understand the game's reception and how it has evolved.

Recent Steam Reviews

This section displays the 10 most recent Steam reviews for the game, showcasing a mix of player experiences and sentiments. Each review summary includes the total playtime along with the number of thumbs-up and thumbs-down reactions, clearly indicating the community's feedback

Playtime: 8513 minutes
👍 : 0 | 😃 : 0
Playtime: 8982 minutes
timeless classic
👍 : 0 | 😃 : 0
Playtime: 2000 minutes
[quote][i][b]SHORT REVIEW :[/b][/i] a beautiful old gem, a mix between Total War and Civilization where we need to manage our empire through economy and warfare. After many years it's still quite fun to play, especially for old RTS lovers.[/quote] [i][b]> Gameplay ( 8.5 / 10 ) :[/b][/i] starting with a few cities, our goal is to conquer as many lands as possible. We have to manage each city investing in buildings that will increase wealth or allow us to train units and trade with other countries to gain gold and precious goods. To defend or conquer lands we have many different types of units to recruit and we can fight directly in real-time battles or use the automatic function. Politics is also important and we need to wisely choose our relations to rule without trouble. The gameplay is packed with many features hard to summarize in a few lines and combined with a simple but good battle system can offer dozens of hours of fun. [i][b]> Story ( 6.8 / 10 ) :[/b][/i] game has a good representation of cities, factions and locations; there are a lot of factions to play, units change from place to place and historically is enough accurate. Unfortunately, there aren't campaigns that help us learn the game, only free-play mode where we just have to conquer everything. [i][b]> Aesthetics ( 8.8 / 10 ) :[/b][/i] the old graphic is still beautiful to see in these days. There is a huge variety in battle areas, buildings and units, with a lot of details in every texture, icon and figure. While the absence of a zoom feature can be an obstacle to enjoying more aesthetics (and sometimes also for gameplay) games generally look very good and keep up good with the times. [i][b]> Audio ( 7.3 / 10 ) :[/b][/i] a nice and varied soundtrack keeps us company during long hours of gameplay and is always a pleasure to listen. However, sound effects are very scarce and unit movements can be quite too loud. Even the voice assistant after a while can be annoying and monotonous. [i][b]> Difficulty ( 7.6 / 10 ) :[/b][/i] with a complex system like that, KoH can offer a good challenge to every kind of player. Sometimes AI can be quite annoying and too frequent with attacks and sieges, but in general the game can be quite difficult and need a good dose of commitment. [b][i][u]> Overall Rating ( 7.8 / 10 ) < [/u][/i][/b]
👍 : 1 | 😃 : 0
Playtime: 3055 minutes
Есть много нюансов в этой игре которые лично мне не понравились. Но все же назвать её плохой нельзя. Очень напоминает игры серии тотал вар но в упрощенном варианте. Интересно что вышла она в одном году с Rome: Total War, но видимо бюджет был гораздо меньше. Из важных нюансов: со смертью правителя исчезают и все остальные члены семьи, исключая наследника, который собственно и занимает трон(зато наемные полководцы и торговцы бессмертны). В начале игры ресурсы в городах генерируются каждый раз случайным образом, так же случайно распределяются параметры правителя и отношения с другими странами. Что не понравилось больше всего - в отличии от большинства подобных игр нет возможности расставить войска перед битвой, особенно напрягает при осадах городов и еще больше - когда нападают на твой укрепленный лагерь. Противнику чтобы выйти из города нужно хотя бы добраться до ворот, что дает некоторое время( да и он не так уж часто и выходит) но при защите лагеря все ваши войска раскиданы по палаткам, а враг всегда появляется прямо у края лагеря. Пока бойцы повылазят из палаток есть неслабый шанс потерять несколько отрядов. В целом неплохая игра для своего времени.
👍 : 0 | 😃 : 0
Playtime: 264 minutes
that was fun this was the first time and its the original can only imagine new title, pacing, the world events, all seemed to flow, very quickly up to speed on the game play. impressed
👍 : 0 | 😃 : 0
Playtime: 9058 minutes
For a 15+ yo grand strategy it's more than decent game. It has some issues and ocasionally crashes (win 11) but overall a decent time spending. The AI it's not very smart especially into combat but it can be challanging. The siege AI is quite dumb and if you don t enter the city once the wall is down it'll never bother the player - is just sitting tight while the trebuchet / catapults rain rocks just outside the newly demolished city gate. In the field battle is tedious to find your general and kill it so if you have range units you can form a V shape from them and put your general at the bottom of the "v". the entire enemy army will try to reach him while being showered with arrows. If you have steppe cavalary it's even better : after they run out of ammo will become your fastest swordsdman unit. By the time they run out of ammo usually the enemy has only the general.
👍 : 0 | 😃 : 0
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