0 minutes
Well.. to everyone who's asking himself if it's worth it: Would say - depends.
[*] You only wanna use 3-Frame animations without the diagonal ones? It is totally overpriced for the missing use of the payed, unusable content, but yep, as long as money isn't your main concern, buy it.
[*] You wanna use 8-Frame animations or vertically ones as well? Get ready to dig out a external script that manages that, because here is by far no explanation given on how to setup this whole mess. You constantly have glitchy 8-Frame character pics ingame, no matter if you put a "$" symbol in front of the graphics file name, because the main issue is the missing script/instruction on how to implement the DLC correctly.
[u]Update:[/u] As a matter of fact there's no help available from that DLC on how to use 80% of its content. Measured by the amount of additional time you have to put into it to get it to work at all this ressource bundle is barely worth 12 bucks. If I'd have known this before, I would have definitely bought this ressource bundle, but not at its full price. Sry devs, this has been a bit naively/clumsily repacked for a payed DLC.
But here's an olive branch: You could've just added the intel, that it never was originally intended to add vertical and 8-frames animations, for "it's a bonus content". So you would have been off the hook... ~
For more updated information, scroll down further, there's an own section meanwhile...
Honestly: Great graphics, I really love the series the devs put out here. And while the simple usage might be fine, I think if not being able to use the 8-frame/diagonal movement graphics, it would just be overpriced.
Yeah.. For a 12 bucks DLC you expect some installation instructions to be given that are post-2012 and compatible with this workshop version. Right now you get a collection of folders with pngs and a blunt script doc that does explain literally nothing, because all contained #comments are from the vanilla script. (Game_CharacterBase)
Speaking of. Yes, you can see, that it's aimed to be used with the script entry Game_CharacterBase, but don't you dare to copy paste it there, because it just causes crashes on start. Adding it to the user edited section would do absolutely nothing.
So in the end I'm forced to stick with the 3-frame animations and have no use for the 8-frame ones, not to speak about the vertical movement files. So I feel forced to use 3rd party content, which is not what is mentioned here, nor what I've payed for. Don't do ads if you can't deliver a proper guide on how to initialize those scripts!
As this seems to be a uncurated DLC, I don't have much hope this user-"friendlyness" would change any more, thus I fear this would stay no recommendation...
Yeah you can pull in Victor's scripts, but as a developer you have to keep an eye on the list of licenses, especially if they're for just free for non commercial use... sou.... If I find a non-3rd party solition, I'll update this kinda report here...
Stressed out, but yet an
The script delivered within the DLC only is a script that makes sure 2 block sized characters don't shine through tiles, but become semi-transparent.Well how did I found out that? Through the other DLC they released with that dwarfs&orcs. There's a different readme contained that finally explains the real use of the script. A file that is completely missing in this ressource pack.
So the containing script has [u]totally nothing to do with 8 frame animations.[/u] You're apparently forced to get those animation scripts elsewhere. They're not included into this DLC.
Used Victor Engine now and here comes the thing: You basically need 4 scipts in order to use all animations available for a character:
[quote]- Script: Victor Engine - Basic Module
as a base module for the following scripts to actually work.[/quote]
[quote]Optional Script: Victor Engine - Visual Equip to be able to display and switch different attack frames. [/quote]
[quote]- Script: Victor Engine - Multi Frames to actually use any of the delivered 8 Frame animations basically (you still need other scripts for diagonal movement or combat anims)[/quote]
[quote]- Script: Victor Engine - Diagonal Movement necessary to move diagonally at all, no matter if just 3-frames- or 8-frames animations.[/quote]
[quote]- Script: Victor Engine - Character Control allows to use different graphics for "Walking" and "Running", when pressing SHIFT. Also adds a way to define an extra Charset for weapon swing animations or jumping animations. (Useful for in-world-battle games, without the FF-style combat initialisation)
Letdown on this behalf - you're forced to edit some of the charsets delivered here, because they are partly inconsequently saved. I.e. you don't have the same directions options on the same frame with different weapons. This package doesn't seem to be optimized for world-battle animations. There's editing necessary for the user.[/quote]
The above displayed order is key! Add it in that order to your scripts under "Materials" and make sure each script has its own entry on the sctips list + correct wording.
Here's the link to all of Victor's scripts for VX Ace:
This guy is amazing! Definitely consider to donate for his work!
I'm done here finally. Hope this saves any reader those hours I put into it to document it and return them here, after figuring all the tricky things out... which still is - btw - an ongoing, paralell process... ;)
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