Tank Squad

Tank Squad

Tank Squad is a tactical-combat action game. Take part in big tank battles during World War II. Play single-player or coop (4 players). Repair your tanks, replenish supplies, manage the crew and get back to the action!
App ID1498130
App TypeGAME
Developers DeGenerals S.A.
Publishers DeGenerals S.A.
Categories Single-player, Multi-player, Co-op, Online Co-op, LAN Co-op
Genres Indie, Action, Simulation
Release DateQ1 2024

Supported Languages
Portuguese - Brazil French
Italian German
Spanish - Spain Simplified Chinese
Japanese Russian
English Korean
Turkish Polish
Tank Squad
Tank Squad
Tank Squad
Tank Squad
Tank Squad
Tank Squad
Tank Squad
Tank Squad
Tank Squad
Tank Squad
Tank Squad
Tank Squad
Tank Squad
Tank Squad
Tank Squad
Tank Squad
Tank Squad

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