Wreckfest - Goofy Roofs Pack
$0.49 USD

Wreckfest - Goofy Roofs Pack

Wreckfest not crazy enough for you? Now you can go completely nuts and get some extra laughs with these roof decorations!
App ID1135437
App TypeDLC
Developers Bugbear
Publishers THQ Nordic
Categories Single-player, Multi-player, PvP, Online PvP, Partial Controller Support, Downloadable Content, Steam Leaderboards, Stats, Steam Workshop
Genres Indie, Action, Simulation, Sports, Racing
Release Date24 Sep, 2019

Wreckfest - Goofy Roofs Pack DLC
ID Name Type Release Date
228380 Wreckfest Wreckfest GAME 14 Jun, 2018

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Supported Languages
English Portuguese - Brazil
French Italian
German Spanish - Spain
Simplified Chinese Japanese
Russian Korean
Finnish Hungarian
Wreckfest - Goofy Roofs Pack
Wreckfest - Goofy Roofs Pack
Wreckfest - Goofy Roofs Pack
Wreckfest - Goofy Roofs Pack

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