Rockstar North - Oyun Geliştirici

İsim Çıkış Tarihi Güncel Oyuncular Tüm Zamanların Zirvesi Değerlendirme
Grand Theft Auto V Grand Theft Auto V 13 Apr, 2015 151 283 210 099 86.63
Grand Theft Auto IV: The Complete Edition Grand Theft Auto IV: The Complete Edition 24 Mar, 2020 3 796 6 416 81.28
Manhunt Manhunt 6 Jan, 2011 46 120 68.24
Grand Theft Auto 2 Grand Theft Auto 2 4 Jan, 2008 0 5 85.90
Grand Theft Auto Grand Theft Auto 4 Jan, 2008 0 0 78.16
Grand Theft Auto V - Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack Grand Theft Auto V - Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack 14 Dec, 2017 0 0 66.31
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