Independent Arts Software Tarafından Geliştirilen Oyunlar - Steam Geliştirici İstatistikleri


İsim Çıkış Tarihi Güncel Oyuncular Tüm Zamanların Zirvesi Değerlendirme
Horse Farm Horse Farm 17 Jul, 2018 4 24 54.43
My Vet Practice - In the Country My Vet Practice - In the Country 27 Mar, 2014 1 1 62.90
FOX n FORESTS FOX n FORESTS 17 May, 2018 0 13 70.21
My Pet Hotel 2 My Pet Hotel 2 27 Mar, 2014 0 0 51.71
Bibi & Tina - Adventures with Horses Bibi & Tina - Adventures with Horses 12 Nov, 2018 0 0 50.00
My Riding Stables: Your Horse breeding My Riding Stables: Your Horse breeding 15 Nov, 2018 0 0 40.90
My Pet Hotel My Pet Hotel 27 Mar, 2014 0 0 38.04
Bibi Blocksberg ™ - Big Broom Race 3 Bibi Blocksberg ™ - Big Broom Race 3 18 Nov, 2018 0 1 64.76
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