Logic Artists Tarafından Geliştirilen Oyunlar - Steam Geliştirici İstatistikleri


İsim Çıkış Tarihi Güncel Oyuncular Tüm Zamanların Zirvesi Değerlendirme
Expeditions: Rome Expeditions: Rome 20 Jan, 2022 223 766 85.57
Expeditions: Viking Expeditions: Viking 27 Apr, 2017 46 143 80.60
Expeditions: Conquistador Expeditions: Conquistador 30 May, 2013 9 29 75.63
Expeditions: Rome - Soundtrack Expeditions: Rome - Soundtrack 20 Jan, 2022 0 0
Expeditions: Viking - Soundtrack and Art Book Expeditions: Viking - Soundtrack and Art Book 27 Apr, 2017 0 0
Clandestine Clandestine 5 Nov, 2015 0 5 74.86
Expeditions: Viking - Blood-Ice Expeditions: Viking - Blood-Ice 27 Apr, 2017 0 0
Expeditions: Rome - Death or Glory Expeditions: Rome - Death or Glory 12 Apr, 2022 0 0
Expeditions: Rome Demo Expeditions: Rome Demo 17 Dec, 2021 0 0
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