Fantasia Studio Tarafından Geliştirilen Oyunlar - Steam Geliştirici İstatistikleri

İsim Çıkış Tarihi Güncel Oyuncular Tüm Zamanların Zirvesi Değerlendirme
Fantasia of the Wind - 风之幻想曲 Fantasia of the Wind - 风之幻想曲 25 Oct, 2017 3 6 81.63
Fantasia of the Wind 2 风之幻想曲 第二部 Fantasia of the Wind 2 风之幻想曲 第二部 5 Apr, 2019 1 1 80.88
My Dear Dad 父亲 My Dear Dad 父亲 6 Apr, 2023 0 1 68.15
Fantasia of the Wind Theme Soundtrack Fantasia of the Wind Theme Soundtrack 16 Nov, 2017 0 0
Fantasia of the Wind 2 Theme Soundtrack Fantasia of the Wind 2 Theme Soundtrack 5 Apr, 2019 0 0
FALL 坠落之后 FALL 坠落之后 16 Aug, 2018 0 0 75.77
Aeon on Mosaic: Anemone 时间碎片:奇迹 Aeon on Mosaic: Anemone 时间碎片:奇迹 30 Jul, 2020 0 1 81.29
Fantasia of the Wind Guide Book Fantasia of the Wind Guide Book 18 Jun, 2018 0 0
Fantasia of the Wind 2 Art Book Fantasia of the Wind 2 Art Book 7 Aug, 2019 0 0
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