Frogwares - Oyun Geliştirici

İsim Çıkış Tarihi Güncel Oyuncular Tüm Zamanların Zirvesi Değerlendirme
Sherlock Holmes Chapter One Sherlock Holmes Chapter One 15 Nov, 2021 59 229 76.42
Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments 29 Sep, 2014 48 185 87.18
The Sinking City The Sinking City 26 Feb, 2021 40 314 72.50
Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter 10 Jun, 2016 38 168 77.89
Sherlock Holmes The Awakened Sherlock Holmes The Awakened 11 Apr, 2023 24 125 81.07
The Testament of Sherlock Holmes The Testament of Sherlock Holmes 20 Sep, 2012 11 37 76.98
Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis 7 Aug, 2008 5 28 68.76
Sherlock Holmes: The Silver Earring Sherlock Holmes: The Silver Earring 6 Aug, 2009 5 12 58.73
Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened (2008) Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened (2008) 6 Aug, 2009 2 18 69.87
Sherlock Holmes: The Mystery of the Persian Carpet Sherlock Holmes: The Mystery of the Persian Carpet 2 8 39.08
Sherlock Holmes versus Jack the Ripper Sherlock Holmes versus Jack the Ripper 23 Dec, 2009 2 29 76.65
Journey to the Center of the Earth Journey to the Center of the Earth 22 Jul, 2016 1 3 46.91
Journey to the Heart of Gaia Journey to the Heart of Gaia 12 Jan, 2022 1 1 0.00
Sherlock Holmes Chapter One - Clergyman Cassock Sherlock Holmes Chapter One - Clergyman Cassock 19 May, 2022 0 0
Frogwares Games Classic Soundtrack Frogwares Games Classic Soundtrack 25 Mar, 2020 0 0
World of Battles: Morningstar Gameplay Trailer World of Battles: Morningstar Gameplay Trailer 25 Apr, 2012 0 0 0.00
The Sinking City - Investigator Pack The Sinking City - Investigator Pack 16 Sep, 2021 0 0
The Sinking City Artbook & OST Bundle The Sinking City Artbook & OST Bundle 23 Jun, 2022 0 0
Sherlock Holmes Chapter One - Season Pass Sherlock Holmes Chapter One - Season Pass 15 Nov, 2021 0 0
Sherlock Holmes Chapter One - Detective Pack Sherlock Holmes Chapter One - Detective Pack 22 Nov, 2021 0 0
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