Tempo de Jogo:
404 minutos
My personal review: ★★☆☆☆
Alright so, I completely understand it's a game created by someone who put hours into it, It's a good game to pass the time when bored, the art is cute, the game is simple, I enjoy this kind of games created by one people or small companies, it's always pleasant to play people's game, but, I got more stressed with it than I had fun with it, and here's why:
- The laser takes a while to load and for a running game, things need to be fast as well, I had a lot of cases that the laser took longer than it should, and it caused me to lose. In other cases, the Laser won't hit the enemies, it would pass straight by them if I move my mouse too fast. (The solution I have in mind is that the laser should be faster, or larger, or stay longer on screen).
- The platforms need to have a precise jump, I feel I had felt so many times because I completely forgot how precise the jump has to be, especially because of the jump, if there was a way to save myself before falling straight to my death. (The solution would be a double jump or a jump in the air. I know there's the double jump power up, on the power ups I will describe it better.)
- The easy mode is a nice way to introduce the game for the player, but the thing that bothered me is that I can't recover my health, if I lose one heart, it's lost forever, or if I fall to my death it's a direct game over on your face. (To be more pleasant and “easy” the enemies could drop hearts, or a heart could show up on the game, so you could recover it. If you fall from the platform, the game would give you another chance if you have another spare heart, but if not, game over.)
- This one is more about the graphic, is that the enemies sometimes blend with the background/mountains, changing its color would already work, it needs to have a bright color, so you can tell the enemy is there.
Power Ups:
- Double jump, I will be honest, this power up is the most annoying because you actually need to wait for it to show up to use it, it is kinda pointless, it should be as a feature already and not a power up? Like- or could just replace it to be a longer jump, like subway surf boots that you can jump higher.
- Barrier, I barely use it, and when I use, it's already over, it could take longer to disappear, because the power up to clean it would be on the way.
The other power ups they're fine, I think interesting the power up that cleans your barrier or double jump, there could be more power ups since this one is easy to find.
- The only thing that bothered me was the text colors, Yellow and white doesn't match well, it's hard to read or to see how much coins you have, it should be a different color, probably. If the idea was to give some golden text, make it orange and yellow and give some bright to it.
Now, here would be just my personal thoughts about what could have had in the game, such as changes and upgrades.
Alpacas could have different backgrounds, or different lasers, like the mermaid could be underwater and shoot bubble laser or something, have different animations for it. The gentleman Alpaca could spill coffee, The Jotaro Alpaca could be a laser of punches. The green Alpaca could open its mouth to reveal a chicken that shots a lot of eggs, and so on.
More power ups, maybe a hat with a propeller on top that makes you jump higher, or more laser's upgrades, like making it bigger, or even longer, or a jetpack, to make it rare, and you can fly around.
On HUD, could show up how much time you have left on the power ups, possibly even make the upgrade store that you could actually upgrade power ups to last longer as well.
In resume, the game is nice, the alpacas are adorable, but I felt it could be more stuff to make it a really addictive game. I'm mostly playing it because I bought it and I want to complete all the achievements of it.
👍 : 1 |
😃 : 0