TBAS Study Pro
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$24.99 USD

TBAS Study Pro

Study to become a U.S. military pilot by acing all tests! This application is built to prepare you for the various tests the U.S. military uses for prospective pilots such as the TBAS or PBMB. Excel at Directional Orientation, Multitasking, and Aircraft Tracking to become the next Flying Ace!
ID do aplicativo2673460
Tipo de aplicativoGAME
Desenvolvedores Hyper Glyph
Editoras Hyper Glyph
Gêneros Simulation, Education
Data de lançamento10 Dez, 2023

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TBAS Study Pro
2 Jogadores em jogo
4 Ápice de todos os tempos
66,62 Classificação

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TBAS Study Pro
TBAS Study Pro
TBAS Study Pro
TBAS Study Pro
TBAS Study Pro
TBAS Study Pro
TBAS Study Pro
TBAS Study Pro

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