Warframe: Zenith Heirloom Collection
$89.99 USD

Warframe: Zenith Heirloom Collection

Honor the ancient bond between Warframes and the Tenno. The Zenith Heirloom Collection combines the Risen and Celestial Heirloom Collections.

Warframe: Zenith Heirloom Collection DLC
ID Nome Tipo Data de lançamento
230410 Warframe Warframe GAME 25 Mar, 2013

Pacotes relacionados
ID Nome Preço
918522 Error 89.99 $

Idiomas suportados
Portuguese - Brazil French
Italian German
Spanish - Spain Simplified Chinese
Traditional Chinese Japanese
Russian English
Korean Turkish
Polish Ukrainian
Capturas de tela
Warframe: Zenith Heirloom Collection
Warframe: Zenith Heirloom Collection
Warframe: Zenith Heirloom Collection
Warframe: Zenith Heirloom Collection
Warframe: Zenith Heirloom Collection
Warframe: Zenith Heirloom Collection
Warframe: Zenith Heirloom Collection

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