Isekai Janken Hero-Digital ArtBook
$3.59 USD

Isekai Janken Hero-Digital ArtBook

Isekai JanKen Hero - Digital Artbook: Character Introductions, Battle Illustrations at All 'Burst Clothing' Stages, 'Burst Clothing' and H-Scenes with Variations, Memorable Dialogues, Initial Character Designs, Background Art, and Cover Art Creation Process."
ID do aplicativo2232640
Tipo de aplicativoDLC
Desenvolvedores BFGS
Categorias Single-player, Downloadable Content
Gêneros Casual, Strategy, RPG, Adventure
Data de lançamento21 Set, 2023

Isekai Janken Hero-Digital ArtBook DLC
ID Nome Tipo Data de lançamento
2143540 Isekai Janken Hero Isekai Janken Hero GAME 21 Set, 2023

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800341 Isekai Janken Hero-Digital ArtBook 3.59 $

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Isekai Janken Hero-Digital ArtBook
Isekai Janken Hero-Digital ArtBook
Isekai Janken Hero-Digital ArtBook

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