Neon Aileron の実績

Neon Aileron の Steam 実績

Neon Aileron はプレイヤーに豊富なチャレンジを提供し、合計 16 個の実績をアンロックできます。これらの実績は、ゲーム内のさまざまな活動にわたり、探索、スキル開発、戦略的マスタリーを促します。これらの実績を解除することで、報酬を得られるだけでなく、ゲームの内容により深く関与することができます。


Beat the first level

Don't let your dreams be dreams.

Start a game on hard difficulty

Yesterday, you said "tomorrow."

Play Neon Aileron 2 days in a row

You're going to wake up and work hard at it.

Start a game before 8am.

Nothing is impossible.

Beat Neon Aileron on Hard difficulty.

You got to the point where anyone else would quit.

Continue 3 times in Neon Aileron

If you're tired of starting over, stop giving up.

Use a continue

The Golden Rat Tail

Collect all of the greenscreen achievements


Clear the game without continuing

Highway to the...

Beat the game as Duane Jersone

Faster Than The Speed Of...

Beat the game as Dwight Speed

It's All Linked Together...

Beat the game as Jane Reaction

I Make This Look Good

Beat a level without taking any damage

Welcome to Earth

Destroy all targets in a level

Stuff Just Got Real

Reach the true last level

1CC No Damage System

Clear the game without continuing and without the damage system enabled.
