Supergiant Games - Sviluppatore del gioco

Nome Data di uscita Giocatori attuali Picco di tutti i tempi Valutazione
Hades Hades 17 Set, 2020 10 661 53 793 97.22
Hades II Hades II To be announced 8 561 99 105 92.65
Bastion Bastion 16 Ag, 2011 69 96 93.52
Transistor Transistor 20 Mag, 2014 42 51 92.20
Pyre Pyre 25 Lug, 2017 33 47 87.91
Transistor: Original Soundtrack Transistor: Original Soundtrack 20 Mag, 2014 0 0 89.92
Songs of Supergiant Games: 10th Anniversary Collection Songs of Supergiant Games: 10th Anniversary Collection 7 Dic, 2020 0 0
Hades Original Soundtrack Hades Original Soundtrack 10 Dic, 2019 0 0
Bastion Demo Bastion Demo 16 Ag, 2011 0 0 0.00
Pyre: Original Soundtrack Pyre: Original Soundtrack 25 Lug, 2017 0 0 0.00
Hades II Original Soundtrack Hades II Original Soundtrack 6 Mag, 2024 0 0
Bastion: Original Soundtrack Bastion: Original Soundtrack 16 Ag, 2011 0 0 85.61
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