Songs of Conquest
Giocatori in game
7 392 😀     1 114 😒
$14.99 USD

Songs of Conquest

Un avventuroso gioco di strategia a turni che unisce GDR, conflitti armati e gestione di imperi. Addestra imponenti eserciti, scatena antiche magie e conquista terre remote. Erigi un impero che verrà decantato nei secoli dai bardi!

Classifiche, statistiche e conteggio dei giocatori in tempo reale di Steam
Songs of Conquest
927 Giocatori in game
3 063 Picco di tutti i tempi
84,48 Valutazione

Songs of Conquest Recensioni

Songs of Conquest DLC
ID Nome Tipo Data di uscita
1968750 Songs of Conquest - Original Soundtrack Songs of Conquest - Original Soundtrack MUSIC 10 Mag, 2022
1979540 Songs of Conquest - Supporter Pack Songs of Conquest - Supporter Pack DLC 10 Mag, 2022

Pacchetti correlati
ID Nome Prezzo
273574 Songs of Conquest 14.99 $

Lingue supportate
Portuguese - Brazil French
Italian German
Spanish - Spain Simplified Chinese
Traditional Chinese Russian
English Korean
Japanese Turkish
Ukrainian Polish
Bringer of Ruin Bringer of Ruin
The Song of Stoutheart The Song of Stoutheart
Death To Diplomacy Death To Diplomacy
Dressed For Success Dressed For Success
Attack Bonanza Attack Bonanza
The Price of Freedom The Price of Freedom
A Free Man A Free Man
This Spot's Taken This Spot's Taken
Hello There Hello There
Versatile Wielder Versatile Wielder

Songs of Conquest
Songs of Conquest
Songs of Conquest
Songs of Conquest
Songs of Conquest
Songs of Conquest
Songs of Conquest
Songs of Conquest

Songs of Conquest Video

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