Tempo di gioco:
1101 minuti
This game was a bit repetitive at times, and the romance felt second place to the plot, but thank-fully the latter was interesting enough.
I’ll be honest, I was a bit bored at first, but by the time I reached the 3rd chapter I was hooked :)
[b] Should you buy this game? [/b]
[b]Yes if:[/b]
• It’s on sale
• You like kinetic novels (this isn’t one of them, but the first hours sure feel like it)
• You don’t mind that it focuses more on the plot and less on the romance
• You don’t mind being led by the hand
• You like gentle heroines
• You like Tragic BackstoriesTM
• You like sad (but interesting) stories
• You don’t mind a mini game every once in a while
[b]Not if:[/b]
• You want to make a lot of impactful choices
• You want focus on the romance
• You want blissful good endings
• You don’t want to read sad content
• You want a fierce, outspoken, passionate heroine
• You abhor mini games
• You only want to buy one game between this and Ashen Hawk (in my personal opinion AH is better)
[b] Now for the main characters:[/b]
[b] Benihime:[/b] I liked her. Sure, she was a bit passive, but she felt like her own person, rather than a bland otome heroine. I got the impression that she could actually be very competent, but the game liked to enhance her helplessness in order to make the other characters shine.
[b]Monshiro:[/b] The most emotional route for me. I liked his soft voice and his blunt/innocent speech patterns. His behaviour was also very cute, and Benihime and him had good chem-istry, even just as friends.
[b]Hikage:[/b] I found him kind of endearing at first, but by the 10th time he insinuated Benihime was useless I was a bit fed up. Having said all that, I liked his route, because while the romance felt forced, the plot was very interesting. Also, I really appreciated the way he actually told Benihime the T.r.u.t.h.
[b]Kagiha:[/b] Ehhh let’s say 50/50...I mean, he seemed ready to walk through fire for Benihime, and while he came on to her quite strongly, it didn’t feel aggressive, and his gentle nature was like a soothing balm. That said, the more I read of his route, the more i disliked his decisions.
[b]Karasuba:[/b] I disliked how forceful he was towards the heroine, his hypocrisy, his hurtful sense of humour, his egocentrism and the way he behaved in general. Some of the things he said made sense logically, but [spoiler]grieving[/spoiler] isn’t a logical process, and everyone should be allowed to decide how to go about it, and at which speed.
[b]Yamato:[/b] I liked their relationship outside of the manor, but that was the only part of his route I found interesting, and what I actually liked was their healthy relationship, not Yamato in particular.
I really dislike the way everyone “protected” Benihime by not telling her important things and keeping her in the dark...
Also, I didn’t like the way you’re forced to finish your first play through in a very linear sequence (learning the major plot points/spoilers along the way), and only after that you’re allowed to go in search of the other routes.
The butterfly mini game was easy enough once you understood the mechanics (don’t shoot them one by one, try linking at least 8-10 of them).
Truthfully, I think everything innovative Black butterfly did (flowchart, story progression, side stories), was done better in Ashen Hawk, but that doesn’t make this a bad game.
👍 : 0 |
😃 : 0